Quote Originally Posted by doc justice View Post
You brought race into this buddy not me. And I agree many in the minority community act like savages, that is not what was being reference though.

You can do the research yourself and place it into any context you wish. Police are on average killing 3.1 Americans per day, and while I would also admit many shootings are justified too many are not. And you war on police narrative is extremely false based on actual data and statistics, as police killings are way down, violent crime is way down, but police shootings are not. Maybe we can address the flawed training leading many to be constantly in fear for their life. LE isn't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs, and the great majority of police deaths are due to their poor driving habits and lifestyle/health choices.

I know it hurts, but facts are facts buddy.

Hell look at what your union boss just came out and said about the unarmed man with his hands up getting shot. I know you will blow it off saying he was a thug and will dig up his record to support this conclusion, we see it happen every time.

The lack of any shred of accountability in the profession generally, is what is leading to these violent actions, but go ahead and keep placing the blame on other people, oh wait isn't that what you just did by refusing to accept responsibility for your side, the same way you accuse the blacks of doing. Hey pot meet kettle. SMDH

Are the black communities in dire straits? Absolutely.

Do police refuse to accept any responsibility for their misdeeds, and send out their union reps to victim bash? Absolutely.

So now you understand the two distinct arguments, and the one which my comments were pertaining to, you can attempt to make a germane reply, and we can have a wonderful and reasonable debate.
With that mental block I sincerely hope you are not in law enforcement and if you are I hope I never have you as a backup.