Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My parents are in fact very proud of me.
I have worked hard all of my life, attended college and graduated, became a law enforcement officer and treat all with the respect they give me.
More importantly, I have learned to use discretion when enforcing the laws and have found that sometimes a good butt-chewing is as effective as a misdemeanor citation; after all, what we seek is voluntary compliance and sometimes a little behavior modification. There are no absolutes and every case must be weighted in its totality including unintended consequences.
This was not a murder, or arson, or treason and the purpose of the Mini-Season is for people to enjoy themselves and catch some lobster; mistakes will be made as we are mere mortals and subject to the imperfections of that status.
Perhaps some time in Mount Olympus with you and yours will enlighten me and the rest of the imperfect mortals as how to deal with these situations in a more accepted Draconian enforcement methodology.
You appear to be a very unhappy and bitter person who displaces aggression towards everything around you and may be in need of a little "Outside Help" to help you put the experience of LIFE in perspective.

Please don't write a rebuttal, although I know that your ego will command you to do so in order to get the last word.
Excellent response I am proud to be a leo with you!