As you might already know, outside protesters have set up camo and have been harassing the neighborhood around the so called Ghost BF parent house. The parents house is not the only house on this block, there are several. These protesters have been allowed to go uncheck, walking in the roadway, obstructing traffic, shouting on their bullhorns day and night, severely causing a quality of life issues. They are trespassing on others property etc. Yet the NPPD allows them to do so, without concern for the other taxpayers who live in the area. This week one neighbor had enough, one of the protesters entered his property and started taking pictures, the homeowner confronted him, this was all caught on wink news cameras. In the video it appears only words were exchanged. Yet, the NPPD in their ever stupid decision making process arrested the home owner/taxpayer and to make this worse, they booked him into the county jail. In the video there didnt appear to be any criminal act which occurred. If and I say if a simple crime occurred, why wasn't he released at the scene with a notice to appear. The taxpayer/homeowner was hauled off to jail and the protester who was captured on video illegally entering the homeowners property was let go and went back immediately to continue to harass the neighborhood. This is the police leadership with zero gonads to enforce the law on the guilty. Their philosophy of sticking their heads in the sand and hope it goes away, is just not working. The protesters are violating laws everyday, yet they go unchecked. Our city leaders are just as culpable in this. Now, I truly do hope this homeowner, first, files a internal complaint against the arresting officer and then sues the NPPD, hey its an easy 100 grand, which is the payout approved by city ordinance. North Port Fla where the taxpayers are allowed to be harassed and the out of towners have free reign to harass and molest our neighborhoods. Commissioners grow a set and get rid of the two clowns running the NPPD