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  1. #21

    beg to differ

    Doc, I must say that I do remember you referring to a female officer and made mention or questioned her sexual orientation in one of your post, but im not quite sure of your exact choice of words. I do however think TP is overly sensitive or possibly suffering from a multiple personality disorder,

  2. #22
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
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    Aug 2014
    Dear piled higher and deeper, please have your ass show up. We'll give it some oats and hay, you need psychotropic medication to help you remember what you have written. How many of you're family members have taken up for you on leo?
    you're ass would probably be better company.

  3. #23
    Aussie Pride
    Beg to differ

    what exactly is your point?

  4. #24
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Lieutenant
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    Aug 2014
    Yes I did question that *****'s orientation, and I still do. I do believe she is feminazi. I did likely call her a *****. I did not however call her a lesbian to my knowledge. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay, she just seems like a man hater from the word go.

    I think its funny if they or she don't want her to be called a lesbian on a public forum, they should stop bringing it up and referring to her as one, or mentioning that she was called one. Even a retard at this point would realize that I respond to most things and wouldn't keep bringing it up if it embarrassed them.

    I asked this miserable person what was her reasonable suspicion or probable cause to detain me against my will. She responded that I didn't want to get into a statute pissing contest with her because I would lose. Now while I agree it would not of helped me to do such at the scene, I would wipe the floor with that ***** citing statutes and law. I argue case law and statutes or a living for the feds. I have out cited or had o correct six attorneys on Florida and constitutional law in this case alone, where all have relented and taken my position. Some may think me a jailhouse attorney, but like I said I argued law with attorneys for a living.

    I then told this ***** that I wanted to exercise my 5th amendment rights to remain silent, where she threatened that if I did not talk to her she would have me involuntarily committed. I then requested an attorney and she continued to question me under threat. This is a clear violation of my 5th ad 6th amendment rights. I only pray that this miserable excuse of a human tries to lie about it. I have enough lawful recordings to sink half this department.

    She detained me for two hours against my will (false imprisonment FS 787.02). Even if he had reasonable suspicion initially, this was not for a reasonable and limited duration.

    The entire time she continued to verbally poke me, in what I believe to be a calculated attempt to incite me to action she could use as a pretext further violate my rights and abuse me. Also the cops and doctor wrote in all their reports that I was cooperative and not a threat of harm to myself or others. I would like to thank them for in writing removing their immunity under FS 394.

    Yes I agree with your other point TP likely is suffering from MPD and has a bunch of sand in his twat.

  5. #25
    Aussie Pride
    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Paine View Post
    Dear piled higher and deeper, please have your ass show up. We'll give it some oats and hay, you need psychotropic medication to help you remember what you have written. How many of you're family members have taken up for you on leo?
    you're ass would probably be better company.

    You and your old timers think you have a right to ask Doc Phd about his family???

    From what I've seen and been reading I truly feel sorry for the general population that is supposedly being protected by these "offices of the law"

  6. #26
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
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    Dear piled higher and deeper, please have you're as show up Monday, it will be better company than you. We stand by ofcr Bianco 200 percent. How many of your relatives have spoken up for you on leo??? We will feed your ass some oats and hay. You get psychotropic drugs to get you through you're delusions, remember oats & hay.

  7. #27
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Lieutenant
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Paine View Post
    Dear piled higher and deeper, please have your ass show up. We'll give it some oats and hay, you need psychotropic medication to help you remember what you have written. How many of you're family members have taken up for you on leo?
    you're ass would probably be better company.
    Hey **** breath, in what post did I call your dear relative a "lesbian"? That's right I never did. If I had called her a lesbian, I'm sure you would pull up the post. I need no psychotropic meds for my memory, but it appears you may need a lobotomy to be "normal".

    None of my family has posted anything on LEO affairs ever to my knowledge. It is also pointed out that you have to keep coming on here to take up for your supposed relative. So I guess I missed your point. I don't lie like most of your colleagues do. However, if you mean children of God as my family, then there may be many.

    You can take your oats and hay and insert them where the sun don't shine, if you are having difficulty just ask Aquino an he will help you out I'm sure.

    What I find curious is are you three different people (TP, PP and CP) responding as one, as it takes three of you retards to write anything; or do you have MPD like a poster above believes? We know you are sensitive to all of the sand in your twat. We know you like to whine like a little girl with a skinned knee.

    I submit that it is you who are delusional.
    Last edited by doc justice; 11-17-2014 at 03:31 AM.

  8. #28
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Paine View Post
    Us 'old timers' after breakfast decided that after you posted one of our relatives(an HPD ofcr) as a lesbian *****. You should take your ass off you're shoulders and ride it out of town.
    From know on we only speak to your ass. It makes more sense than you. He-haw he-haw "hee- haw he-haw-haw-haw, he-haw he-he-haw! Haw-he-he he-haw he-haw he-haw!!!

  9. #29
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Lieutenant
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    WOO HOO, man that's the best blessing this month. No more ****tards trying to speak to me.

    Wish I knew what I did to bring about this blessing, so I could have done it months ago.

  10. #30
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Lieutenant
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    Hey **** breath if you're talking about me the possessive form is "your", "you're" means "you are".

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