Goodbye SRO's - Page 3
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Thread: Goodbye SRO's

  1. #21
    Junior Member LEO Affairs Rookie
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    Jun 2006
    Hap smart man. He know inside outs of poleese department. Many wocal cops know kids, kids pawents, and are part of neighbohood. Me no like deputies who give no kwap about kids and they pawents. Me know that PCSO has twuble keeping SRO in they schools. No stay long. No chance to be part of school. Me no like deputies. Keep St.Pete. They good guys.

    Fred NotWong

  2. #22
    Do some research and look at the numbers!!!!!
    THe Deputy SRO's don't handle quite the same situations as SRO's from the City of S/P. If the Deputies came into S/P, they would get an eye opeing experience.

    The Deputies have a high turn over as it is in the schools and they have two deputies at the high schools and the majority of the schools in north county handle way less problems. When and if Sheriff Coats takes over , They should expect to deal with all the bus stop problems.

    Are they going to call deputies when a bus is pulled over for a big brawl. Are deputies going to respond when there are numerous family members at the bus stop fighting on and off the bus before and after school. :shock:

    When the big brawls start at the beginning of school and at
    the end of the school day (at the S/P schools) and the deputies call for assistance, are S/P officers in that area going to respond? How far will the deputies have to come for backup to transport the 3/4 juv's who will be arrested and how long will the wait be. (maybe a substation in S/P)

    The middle schools in north county don't handle anywhere the situations and problems S/P officers handle. Any body that has questions can pull up the stats from any middle or high school in S/P and compare and good luck!!!

  3. #23
    Junior Member LEO Affairs Rookie
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    Guest is wise man, too.

    Fred NotWong

  4. #24
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
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    Apr 2006
    So what? You want to keep the schools? You want to be an SRO? You can have them. Otherwise, you can put the SRO's on the streets where you need them. I wouldn't care to have anything to do with it.
    I prefer police work to dealing with illiterate parents and kids kicking each other.

  5. #25
    Member LEO Affairs Detective
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    The trenches of St. Petersburg
    I have to agree Chucky and then some. I think we should take all the SRO's, Dare, Pal, Community Awareness, Exec to the Chief, Staff Inspections, Recruiting and every other useless support position and put them all back in patrol and cid. The CPO's can fill in the newly vacant positions when needed.
    St. Pete was once a place of honor, It can be again......

  6. #26
    Junior Member LEO Affairs Recruit
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    May 2006
    A couple of narrow minded comments from both of you cheese and gladiator. Shame on both of you. Maybe your the reason we have moral problems within our ranks. Everyone hates specialty units until they go to one. Then its all roses. Stop crying, handle one call at a time and be safe.

  7. #27
    Member LEO Affairs Detective
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    The trenches of St. Petersburg
    Wow, I got a response from you and didn't even bring up the CPO's. Let me be a little more narrow minded and give you my thoughts on that. Form one squad per district..a Sgt and eight officers would do, and let them handle all of the CPO problems in the district. Work on a couple of priority projects at a time and actually make an impact. The CPOs have gotten pushed into doing so much BS (at no fault of their own) that isn't even police related. It's a waste of time. Most of what they do is to keep a small number of people and political groups quiet and happy. Big bang for our buck there. You guessed it...the rest can go back to patrol.

    The Chief is out of his mind. We don't have enough officers on the street and your wishes to be safe are welcomed, but someone is going to get hurt if staffing levels don't improve.
    St. Pete was once a place of honor, It can be again......

  8. #28
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hap
    A couple of narrow minded comments from both of you cheese and gladiator. Shame on both of you. Maybe your the reason we have moral problems within our ranks. Everyone hates specialty units until they go to one. Then its all roses. Stop crying, handle one call at a time and be safe.
    I didn't say anything about hating the units. Neither did Gladiator. I believe we were talking about SRO slots. I just thought you guys on days would actually appreciate having a few extra cops on the streets. I know Harmon wouldn't though. Maybe they would be sent to the gym or Sweetbay. Do you even know what you want? It's a screwed up admin but at least agree on something amongst yourselves.

    I don't miss being the only cop for 13+ miles on a Friday night. My backup is usually either 51 or just around the corner, although we seldom need them. I also don't miss copying backlogged calls for someone in the next zone while they're drinking a big gulp in the weight room or doing a 1 hour investigation into a 10-39 (56' in wit' Baby's Momma at the park, you know who I mean).

    I'm sorry you're going to miss your school assignment but if it were YOU requesting 10-24, maybe one of those ex-SRO's could help you out.

    Now that "HAP" brought up CPO's, yeah, I don't see it either. You neuter 'em and shove those folks in front of the public and tell them "these guys are gonna make your problems go away! Quit calling Hiz Honor's office, call these CPOs..." I don't care either way, but I would think that those of you still working Baker's kingdom would like some uniforms out on the street with you. It seems "HAP" doesn't. He prefers telling kids to quit spitting in the hallway....

    Stay safe whoever you are, and enjoy the free chocolate milk from the lunchlady.

  9. #29
    Junior Member LEO Affairs Rookie
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    Jun 2006
    Hap is very wise man.

    Chucky and Gladiator... not so much

    "Donkey lips don't fit onto a horse's mouth."

    Fred NotWong

  10. #30
    Hap is retired...Chucky Cheese and Gladiator are living in reality.

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