Commission Approved to overturn Acevedo Staff Demotions. City offered Papiers deal
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  1. #1

    Commission Approved to overturn Acevedo Staff Demotions. City offered Papiers deal

    All Three Demoted Majors will be promoted next week Richard Perez, Jose Fernandez and Keandra Simmons. Fired Chief Papier and “I can do what ever I want hit and Run wife” Nerly Papier have been given an offer to come back to work with full back pay at Captains rank. Papier wants to sue. I guess he still thinks me never cheated on promotional exams.

    If they agree Nerly Papier will only receive a 160 hour Reprimand and no discipline to her husband. If they refuse FOP will not continue to pay legal fees.

    Also starting January 2022 all reserve officers will be allowed to work supervised off duty jobs. I guess they need FTO supervision.

    Camacho, Matias and Ortiz still ROD

  2. #2
    Lots of lies. Those positions aren’t in the budget. Both Papiers are going to arbitration.

  3. #3
    To prove the lie, they would have to bring back the little Captain that was demoted and create another captain position for Nerly. We don’t need more Captains

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    All Three Demoted Majors will be promoted next week Richard Perez, Jose Fernandez and Keandra Simmons. Fired Chief Papier and “I can do what ever I want hit and Run wife” Nerly Papier have been given an offer to come back to work with full back pay at Captains rank. Papier wants to sue. I guess he still thinks me never cheated on promotional exams.

    If they agree Nerly Papier will only receive a 160 hour Reprimand and no discipline to her husband. If they refuse FOP will not continue to pay legal fees.

    Also starting January 2022 all reserve officers will be allowed to work supervised off duty jobs. I guess they need FTO supervision.

    Camacho, Matias and Ortiz still ROD
    I’ve say this again for those with hearing problems. Kendra Simmons will get her Major rank restored. Afterwards she will be promoted again to asst. Chief. New commissioner who support her.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Lots of lies. Those positions aren’t in the budget. Both Papiers are going to arbitration.
    Apparently you are too stupid to realize that yesterday there was Commission meeting amending and approving three more mayors positions to make them whole.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Lots of lies. Those positions aren’t in the budget. Both Papiers are going to arbitration.

    Boy you are sure out of the loop!

  7. #7
    Everybody is coming back except The Rat, Coward grow a pair and go to the next meeting Hijo de PutA para romperte como un lápiz. All you been doing all your life is waiting for the right moment to abuse your power, You are a Punk without the rank and uniform and you know it.


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