The Florida PBA and its charters and chapters, once a political juggernaut in Florida politics are now a shell of their former self. Gone are the visionaries, the leaders, the doers. The current leaders are living, not on the shoulders of those who came before but in the their shadows. Oh sure, the current crop likes to suck off the success of those who came before, but are very quiet when asked about any recent meaningful accomplishments.

Once a powerful political broker at the state level and several local levels, now it’s “nice to have their endorsement, but it’s not really necessary” is the response you hear inside the political circles. This is why there has been no meaningful legislation passed in the past decade or so. It’s why state police officers and corrections officer continue to the lowest paid. It’s why there is no meaningful “wellness” legislation. It’s why there are no great contracts.

But the PBA is only as great as its members. Apathetic members who don’t get involved demand more but accept the status quo. Apathetic members don’t vote. Apathetic members don’t hold their leaders accountable at board meeting because they themselves don’t attend board meetings. Apathetic members don’t go to budget hearings, get involved in political campaigns, or attend legislative sessions. Apathetic members pay their dues and expect others to do everything for them. Apathetic “leaders” tell war stories of the past (conveniently inserting themselves into the narrative even though they weren’t around) but have done nothing for their members or the future of the organization. Apathy loses bargain units. Apathy loses power.

It’s sad because this was once a great organization that truly had at its core, the best for all law enforcement. Now they are nothing more than “insurance” salesmen, selling you a service (attorney) that you hope and most likely will never need.