Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Keep it up. You either Nadir your IP ADDRESS or truly are dumb enough to believe I won’t sue you JOHN DOE (until I find out who you are) along with LeoAffairs.

You are a pathetic, low-life, waste-of-life, piece-of-shit, hating ass individual. Not even God blessing you can correct how fu-cked up you are in the head.

Te dejo con este dicho you perro sucio:

“¡Árbol que nace torcido, jamás su tronco endereza!”

I thought you were going to become Commissioner In Charge of Police Affairs and fire everybody??? hahaha roflao Oh wait....you were arrested for dealing drugs AGAIN. lol I guess the voters didn't realize what a gem of a candidate they had...30 years old with a net work history of 2 weeks driving for Uber. hahaha Oh, unless you count that armed robbery of that old lady in CG as part of your work history.
Only in Sweetwater!