Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I heard that. It’s crazy how hard this job is. We have to know so much. It take so long to learn. For it to mean nothing. Someone on here in another post said it best. “Mastery means nothing here”. Believe it or not, it’s not all about benefits and pay. People want to be able to look back at their product or accomplishments. You get none of that here. You work until you get killed, die, hurt, sick or burn out and quit. It’s sad. Manipulating the zone assignment numbers in this bid doesn’t hide how short handed we are. So glad I just wrapped up my exit.
You forgot sued, dragged through the mud on social media or put in prison for trying to keep yourself or others alive. Our jobs are now dictated by snowflake non contributors with cellphones and social media platforms. Zero experience on how to keep society in check telling us what to do. Made worse by our very own leaders giving in. Best to leave this field.