Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Just stopped by. You guys/ gals are hilarious. Exhausting, but hilarious.

Wear a mask. Don't wear a mask.
Get the vaccination. Don't get it.
The divisiveness is their goal.
Educate yourselves. It doesn't matter what you do, this stuff is real but its not
the plague. If you are already a health risk, you may have a hard time with it.
Fit and healthy ? Probably won't amount to much. You have the freedom to choose and with choices, comes consequences.
Life is pretty simple and there's only one way off this planet. Until that day, relax, enjoy the life and freedom that we have.
People are going to say what they say, smile, ignore them.
"I am the master of my fate."
"I am the Captain of my soul."
Well we all know about natural selection, so if you had the fake rona and beat it, but you were stupid enough to go to the hospital and they killed you.
I guess those of us blessed with such an amazing immune system and survived, why the hell would anyone get need bill gates poison graphene oxide shot. Mark of the beast.