Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Great point. I should’ve known I made a mistake when during first phase of hiring they said are you want to work here because it’s not easy to leave and start over. Aka we will not make it easy and not let you start over. Detectives won’t leave because they don’t want to be/ don’t know how to be on the road. K9 opened and no one put in for it forcing department to give away the dog, a dog who should have never been with the guy who lost his dog once before. You have an “officer” sitting on Facebook all day who forgot how to put on a vest and work and no REAL undercover will ever come back because the admin refuses to admit drugs are in their ‘perfect’ city. Then you have swat, not enough time to talk about that joke. Save your sanity and dignity go else where. All the smart ones have gone already ie Tampa, Hcso, Pinellas, Seminole, you name it ..

I was looking into TT, the three year contract doesn't matter to me really because I'm looking fir an opportunity. Im dual cert , can't stand the jail any longer. Seems like this job overall is going down hill very quickly .. smh.