Note: One can work up to the first 6 months as a Florida cop before completing to 80 hour Florida compliance training and up to another 6 months to pass the Florida Law Enforcement Officer Certification exam (You get 3 chances to pass it). While many Florida agencies will hire you, then send you to the 80hr course. You would have more Florida agencies to choose from by taking two weeks vacation from your Ohio LE agency and attend the course, followed by flying back down to take (and pass) the Florida certification examination. Once you get your Florida certification, you will then have 4 years from the date of certification to get hired by a Florida agency. This allows you to keep your LE Job in Ohio up until you have a job in Florida and the odds are better you will survive in Florida having already obtained your Florida Certification. Leaving you just the 2-3 month FTO with 1 year probation period as a Florida Cop to complete.

The link explains if further.

Many of the schools on the below link offer the 80 hour out of state compliance training, check on their respective website links for contact info with dates and times. Some schools offer a 4 hour a week for 4 week course in the evenings for those who already are working full-time with a Florida LE agency.