Pinellas County deputy shoots, kills man who pointed gun at him in St. Petersburg - Page 19
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Results 181 to 190 of 235
  1. #181
    We have investigated ourselves and again determined that we did nothing wrong. We've already determined we did nothing wrong in the next killing too. See how that works?

  2. #182
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    You answered your own question. Case CLOSED.
    Actually, I have not answered my question, and neither have you. Apparently your position is simply because a deputy says that something is so, it is the gospel. Now, this might apply in traffic cases, like a stop sign violation, but this is a homicide. And, the homicide is only justifiable if Curry's actions were lawful under the laws of self defense. There has to be some evidence to back up the deputy's claims. So far, we have seen none. No bullet holes in the car. No injuries to the deputy. No witnesses. And no motive for a potential attack by Golden and Fortd. In other words, all we have is the deputy's statement.

    Get back to me when you have some something to actual answer my questions with.

  3. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Curry should get a commendation because he rid society of a lifelong criminal who would have cost a fortune to incarcerate for many years, not to mention legal costs, clogging up the courts, etc, etc. The dirt bag is permanently gone from the face of the earth and his accomplice is looking at doing some serious time, unable to victimize innocent people. We need more happy endings like this one because our broken catch and release criminal justice system is unable to do the job of protecting our citizens from the scum.
    But, there is no evidence that Curry KNEW Golden was a criminal, when he killed him. He simply shot some guy carrying a rifle. Now you moght not like how the criminal justice system works, but we can not incarcerate people for life for every crime committed and we certainly not execute all criminals. Even more important, LEOs have neither the authority nor the right to execute people on the street. You are not Judge Dredd.

    By the way, based upon what information the press has released on this case, it looks as though Ford has a pretty good case for self defense himself.

  4. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Can you kids grow up and just be glad the good guys went home alive and quit calling each other names? Is that not good enough for you
    I have not called anyone any names. I have simply asked questions about the events leading up to this shooting and the tactics employed by the deputy. I have never suggested that the deputy maliciously Attacked Golden and Ford. However, given what Curry did not know, and could not have known, there are several big questions concerning why he chose to open fire on Golden and Ford. No one seems to be able to answer those questions. And, they all have to be answered, sooner or later, to rule that the shooting was justified, under Florida law. So far, all we have is the deputy's statement that he was in fear for his life because one or both men pointed guns at him. We do not have any particulars on exactly in what manner the weapon(s) was pointed at him. And, so far, there is no evidence that either Golden or Ford fired first. So far, it is looking as though Curry opened fired first.

    If no one has these answers, they feel threatened. Then they attack the person asking the questions.

  5. #185
    who cares, Matlock? You're not full of bullet holes, I'm not, Curry isn't. what do you want? If this reaches 60 pages you get a bigger pension? Get a life man! Get a hobby, go boating or something. You 2 will still be "solving" this long after Curry is retired. Maybe you'll get a Pulitzer..... or an ulcer.

  6. #186
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    who cares, Matlock? You're not full of bullet holes, I'm not, Curry isn't. what do you want? If this reaches 60 pages you get a bigger pension? Get a life man! Get a hobby, go boating or something. You 2 will still be "solving" this long after Curry is retired. Maybe you'll get a Pulitzer..... or an ulcer.
    "You 2 will still be "solving" this long after Curry is retired." Or in jail.

    So, you have no desire to fond out exactly why a deputy sheriff shot down one man, without warning? I'm sure that the residents of Pinellas County would. If your father was shot dead, while walking across his yard with a rifle in hand, by a LEO, you would not want to know exactly what happened? Look, if everything happened, as the deputy reported, fine. But, until the questions surrounding this case are adequately answered, then the outcome is still in doubt. And, I will guarantee you that these questions will be sked in any civil trial which may arise. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

  7. #187
    No, I actually don't plan on trying to change the criminal justice system. It sucks, it does not work perfectly, and it never will. I can't fix it, you can't. I have things I can fix, like my car, I can lose 15 pounds. I have an extra shift to work and stuff to do with my son. THAT matters. I AM in control of that. Good luck fixing the world kiddo...... you'll learn, what lawyer you with again?

  8. #188
    Hey, I have some info for you, I think I know why Curry shot those little angels

  9. #189
    Yes, silly us, siding with what one of us said, you know giving him the benefit of the doubt until proven that he doesn’t deserve it...

    We trust one another out here until you give us a reason not to...why don’t you come along for the ride and let it play out?

    If you haven’t figured it out yet, you are not converting any of us to your line of thinking; that Curry just decided to murder two random fellas for the heck of it.

    ...and there is only one of you; spelling, syntax and such doesn’t vary much at don’t even have the sense to wait more than a few minutes to change ‘identities’...

  10. #190
    You're just trying to swell a bogus lawsuit

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