Commander position
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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I might not fully agree with the above, but it has valid points. First I work here also, positive changes, well we will see when the dust settles. I been around to long to buy into this crap.There is a system in place for promotions. Job is posted and there are actually job requirements which must be met before you can even apply, one such is for commander and above you need a bachelors degree, not working on it, you need to have it. CM does not have any degree. This job was not posted to my knowledge, internally or externally, applications were not accepted, candidates were not interviewed as REQUIRED !!!!!! Let us not kid ourselves, he would have been appointed anyway, but the process would have been followed.The whole process is a political sham. I am not a good old boy nor am I a Kiss a$$. I have been on the tell you one thing and do the other of our Captain. He is a politician first and a somewhat LEO second. That's ok. Let us remember he himself declined to apply for the chiefs position stating he was not ready to be a leader, yet here he is being appointed second in command without following the process. He cannot hide from his past lack of leadership fiascos. Here this city admin touts change and what do they do, bypass the process, appoint there next chief, giving him a big raise. Breaking the established rules is what has gotten this PD to this point. No accountability or ethics, so really nothing has changed.
    The deputy chiefs position is an appointed position at the discretion of the chief. So get off your soap box and get back to work.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    The deputy chiefs position is an appointed position at the discretion of the chief. So get off your soap box and get back to work.
    well lets see now, the chiefs position which is a appointed position was farmed out at what 17 grand of the taxpayers money and several more experienced applicants were dismissed, then HR did the advertising, applications were taken, interviews conducted and Karma was appointed. For every commander position, the process is followed, Captain the same way, even sergeants and fake corporals have to follow the process. and yet the only position which as you state is appointed without any process is Assistant chief, reeks of favoritism, political appointment. He is not qualified, at least MP had masters degrees, CM still has his HS, but as stated he is going to the KV school of continuing education for his bachelors. The process is in place to seek the best QUALIFIED applicant, not to appoint someone's political flunky. The city manager has a moral and fiscal responsibility to ensure the best qualified applicant gets the job and the big salary provided by the taxpayers. NP is no longer the city it was five years ago, younger population and we demand accountability. Are KV, Lewis and Danny boy really gone, because it sure looks like its business as usual . Promoting a person who was a key figure in destroying NPPD in the first place. As they say Fu$k up, Move up and to the victor belongs the spoils.

  3. #3
    Chief Garrison has only been there two weeks. Give the man a chance to show what he can do. All this anger is unnecessary. You all have jobs and thats what matters. You are paid well and work in a relatively safe city. This anger of who has been promoted is just a waste of breath and lowers morale. What the hell does it matter if someone has a degree or not. They can be bought and cheated for. I haven’t seen yet in my entire long career that it matters if someone has a 8x10 piece of paper the proves they are a leader. It usually makes you dumber in my opinion. Leaders are made by experience not typing APA and learning to plagiarize. Yeah a college degree is nice, but shouldn’t preclude someone from moving up the ladder. Sometimes command staff has to make choices when they are pulled in nine different directions and they aren’t favorable to everyone. This just shows you have hate pent up and long careers ahead of you. Give Garrison and Morales a chance. Maybe support them and you will be happier down the road. Infighting just destroys agencies piece by piece. Let’s stand up together with the command and get to work.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Chief Garrison has only been there two weeks. Give the man a chance to show what he can do. All this anger is unnecessary. You all have jobs and thats what matters. You are paid well and work in a relatively safe city. This anger of who has been promoted is just a waste of breath and lowers morale. What the hell does it matter if someone has a degree or not. They can be bought and cheated for. I haven’t seen yet in my entire long career that it matters if someone has a 8x10 piece of paper the proves they are a leader. It usually makes you dumber in my opinion. Leaders are made by experience not typing APA and learning to plagiarize. Yeah a college degree is nice, but shouldn’t preclude someone from moving up the ladder. Sometimes command staff has to make choices when they are pulled in nine different directions and they aren’t favorable to everyone. This just shows you have hate pent up and long careers ahead of you. Give Garrison and Morales a chance. Maybe support them and you will be happier down the road. Infighting just destroys agencies piece by piece. Let’s stand up together with the command and get to work.
    wow this will certainly get you points, so basically who cares if the entire system is circumvented to appease one person, Garrision should put a stop to this and require the process, its the right thing, advertise and see who applies, most certainly the same result of Morales will prevail, but you want respect, follow the rules, that's the major problem with this place, certain people can do what they want with no accountability. Garrision preaches the talk, now do the walk. Everybody no matter who you are is accountable, without exception !!!!!. Your comments on education just show your lack of it... education makes you dumber and your paid by the taxpayers to do what ?????

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    wow this will certainly get you points, so basically who cares if the entire system is circumvented to appease one person, Garrision should put a stop to this and require the process, its the right thing, advertise and see who applies, most certainly the same result of Morales will prevail, but you want respect, follow the rules, that's the major problem with this place, certain people can do what they want with no accountability. Garrision preaches the talk, now do the walk. Everybody no matter who you are is accountable, without exception !!!!!. Your comments on education just show your lack of it... education makes you dumber and your paid by the taxpayers to do what ?????
    Garrison failed his first test by promoting an unqualified member to Asst Chief.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Garrison failed his first test by promoting an unqualified member to Asst Chief.
    That's what you get with a yes man!!!!! More to come.


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