Warning for Race Weekend - Great job Union
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  1. #1

    Warning for Race Weekend - Great job Union


    What say you County Council and Sheriff Chitwood

  2. #2
    Sheriff Chitwood in the News Journal today called the sign a "juvenile prank" and said he is insulted by it. I guess when you are making over six figures like him you might be. I guess when you can hire Janelle (what is the story with her and the Sheriff) and also pay Chief Morgan (the real estate baron) astronomical salaries you might be insulted by it. I guess we all know how the Sheriff feels about rank and file deputies now.

  3. #3
    I believe Publix might be having a BOGO (buy one get one free) offer of Backbones. Maybe Janelle (what is the relationship with her and the Sheriff) could go there and buy a backbone for the Sheriff (so that he could stand up for his deputies for a change). The other one could go to "Remax" Morgan (the guy who cant decide if he wants to be a LEO or a real estate baron).

  4. #4

    Barkers View appears to support the deputies. What a shame the Sheriff doesn't.

  5. #5
    The Union has another great sign out there!!! They really are doing some great work for the rank and file deputies. And it is not a minute too soon....before we have 100 vacancies.

    If the Sheriff would actually get behind the rank and file deputies (instead of blabbering about how he is insulted by the signs) perhaps a raise could be coming.

    I am hoping that Janelle (what is the relationship with her and the Sheriff anyway) got the backbones at Publix. They have had a week to get those backbones installed (for the Sheriff and Remax Morgan).

    Lets go Sheriff....support your deputies!!!!

  6. #6
    I salute you for having a backbone with your new union. Something the PBA or Teamsters would never have paid for. However, you are going at it all wrong. You don't target the racetrack which allows you to make extra money. If you are truly that overworked and understaffed, then there should not ba single Deputy working the event. Your press releases claim 600 hours of overtime a year are killing your Deputies. Be very careful my friends. You are not playing the politics very well. Targeting the county manager would make me suspend all details until further notice to make sure the streets are covered before private events. That sure would make a lot of Deputies unhappy wouldn't it? I wish you well and support your raises but the people making the key decisions right now are not thinking before acting like professionals. Expose dirt on the manager and unfriendly commissioners and make them pay at the ballot. Contracts don't pay, cleaning politicians laundry does. THINK !!!!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I salute you for having a backbone with your new union. Something the PBA or Teamsters would never have paid for. However, you are going at it all wrong. You don't target the racetrack which allows you to make extra money. If you are truly that overworked and understaffed, then there should not ba single Deputy working the event. Your press releases claim 600 hours of overtime a year are killing your Deputies. Be very careful my friends. You are not playing the politics very well. Targeting the county manager would make me suspend all details until further notice to make sure the streets are covered before private events. That sure would make a lot of Deputies unhappy wouldn't it? I wish you well and support your raises but the people making the key decisions right now are not thinking before acting like professionals. Expose dirt on the manager and unfriendly commissioners and make them pay at the ballot. Contracts don't pay, cleaning politicians laundry does. THINK !!!!
    You make some really good points. We are approaching being 70 deputies short (out of around 400 total strength). More deputies are leaving every week. And what they do is just order the remaining deputies to work overtime. It does not matter if it is for the race track, vacant zones, or wherever....just ordered to work. Needless to say morale is at an all time low. As has been documented in the paper the last couple of weeks, the Sheriff does not care. I do not see the County Manager suspending all details...it is too political. The deputies will always be expected (and ordered) to work all special events (whether the races, bike week, biketobertest, or whatever).

    We are just spiraling out of control. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    You make some really good points. We are approaching being 70 deputies short (out of around 400 total strength). More deputies are leaving every week. And what they do is just order the remaining deputies to work overtime. It does not matter if it is for the race track, vacant zones, or wherever....just ordered to work. Needless to say morale is at an all time low. As has been documented in the paper the last couple of weeks, the Sheriff does not care. I do not see the County Manager suspending all details...it is too political. The deputies will always be expected (and ordered) to work all special events (whether the races, bike week, biketobertest, or whatever).

    We are just spiraling out of control. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
    I don't understand. If you are ordered to work on your days off, it is overtime, not off duty work. There are FEDERAL laws that will protect you. If you are not standing up for yourself under this abuse, and you are the ones enforcing the laws, how do you expect the residents to stand up for you. Most departments are under staffed and it will get worse. Only true cops apply for the position when economic times are good, however when it is bad, the ranks get filled with temporary cops. Your leader really needs to. Evbrought up to speed on how to enter the political arena. You are in the big leagues taking pee wee swings. I am on your side and want your success. It the path you are on will create more heartache than good


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