I love it Hardon does not have any plans to help the kids of glades county. so what does he do? he uses someone elses money to donate to a children's fund. hell its not even his money its a ranchers money that gets a police car parked in front of his house. that just goes to show you he doesnt care he wont even take it from his pocket.
Now lets talk about the bar. This I think is very funny. Hardon goes to the bar and spends about $1000 a weekend in drinks at the bar trying to buy votes. And from what I have been told is they are not going to vote for him but if he is buying they are drinking.
I have a good idea win on your own merits show what you plan to change and make the county better. it sucks living in a county were every time you go away on vacation you have to worry about if your place will be broken into and all the stuff you worked hard for is gone. Oh wait you dont know about that because from what I hear you have only done 8 reports in the past 8 years. its time for a change from the white house all the way to glades county. please make it happen.