WOW Squeakly Clean Promotions
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  1. #1

    WOW Squeakly Clean Promotions

    So the head huncho in his infinite wisdom promoted 2 stellar candidates today.........Squeaky clean

    Walek.....lets see screwed up a public records request which his daddy covered up for, has never work patrol or been in charge of a squad .unless of course you deem a 2 person DUI squad, 2 person traffic team, let alone special ops......rofl what better experience/qualification for a promotion.

    Zarra .squeaky clean.......hmmm lost his cpl stripes which Sgt? why........could if be for excessive force, failing to render medical aid (throw that inhaler into the woods) need I mention Baltimore here, or his numerous other gaffes leading to him being cut from swat...............just saying

    gee why didn't he promote NB it could be worse yet Cpl SS.....of I know they aren't squeaky clean.. Wonder what will happen when media gets ahold of LS and Major K story Nothing like leaving an unqualified person in IA to run it.

    I'm sure JW endorses it all as long as his kids get hired (IE glad you fought to get CSI under FOP).

    Roast me if you will but I speak the truth, tell me I'm wrong
    with an explanation.
    Sorry Steve you were the better candidate

  2. #2
    Agree with most of this post since staff knew who were promotions before announcement. Sorry JR and EE You were just pawns to make it look fair Wasted your breathe

  3. #3

    Jokes on us

    The hits keep coming! The hope and change we had all imagined with this new chief isn't ever going to happen. I don't know how he can look the other candidates in the eye and tell them the people he promoted are actually better qualified than them. What a strange f*cked up administration we have.

    Promoting a sgt with NO experience as a real sgt to a Lt, and then promoting the biggest liability in CPD to a sgt? WHAT THE...? I guess when you're incapable of being a CPl, and a SWAT team member, that somehow means you are capable of being a sgt here. I feel like I am in an episode of the Twilight Zone.

    If we thought the morale under Holloway was bad, just wait.

  4. #4

    House party Caliente Tampa

    Nice post Brems. Here comes the roast. Tough talk from an arrested drunk wife beater. Go back to jail loser or have another drink at Caliente freak. Don't try to put yourself in the same sentence as SS and if you want to go fishing you know where to go coward boy.

  5. #5
    To all of the posters above - this Godsmack song is dedicated to you

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    To all of the posters above - this Godsmack song is dedicated to you
    Post of the year

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Agree with most of this post since staff knew who were promotions before announcement. Sorry JR and EE You were just pawns to make it look fair Wasted your breathe
    JR?? EE?? Someone help me out here, I'm not thinking of anyone with those initials with any business getting promoted. Please help

  8. #8
    FOP toilet inspector and Mister All Natural Workout guy.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    FOP toilet inspector and Mister All Natural Workout guy.
    Ah, sorry Joe, was thinking a different JR. EE? Most likely to be on the front page for some bizarre sex story lmao!


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