Chaz for President!
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  1. #1

  2. #2
    Now that's good stuff! Can't wait for the results of the records request...

  3. #3
    Chaz you are an azzhole. Trash Mann because he deserves it, don't trash the cops with an offensive t shirt.

  4. #4
    Chaz Stevens, Genius

    Don't trash the cops

    Ask the dead guy ... would you rather be dead, or have someone ridicule you on the net?

  5. #5

    [John] Arendale and [Bonnie] Eshleman, who both work for the Broward County school system, offer the first independent, eyewitness accounts of what happened during the early morning hours of Sunday, February 22. Their accounts were first published by the news website,

    Arendale and Eshleman said they are still not certain what prompted the encounter between Reid and police. One of their neighbors inside the Wynmoor Village complex told them that Reid had approached one of the residents in the parking lot of the gated community asking the man to take him to the hospital. Reid had been injured, but it's not certain how he was hurt. The condo resident called 911 and asked that paramedics come and check on Reid. But when the paramedics arrived, Reid reportedly became belligerent with them. The police were summoned and as many as five officers confronted Reid.

    It was sometime during that confrontation, in front of Eshleman and Arendale's condominium, that the couple was awakened.

    Eshleman said as they watched the affair play out, one of the officers tried to speak to Reid in a calm voice, asking him for his name and identification. He also wanted to know how he had gotten into the complex and if he was visiting anyone there.

    It appeared Reid, however, just wanted to be left alone. A check of criminal records reveals that Reid has a lengthy criminal record for drug possession.

    The Department of Justice report on Ferguson released this week pointed to various policing-as-revenue-generation incidents as one of the contributing factors to the police department's systematic abuse of poor, mostly minority residents. It identified "failure to comply" as one of the tools used to criminalize residents. Although it's not as politically correct, yet, for the DOJ to note, certainly laws like "drug possession" serve the same purpose.

    A report from the White House, meanwhile, listed a litany of ways poor police behavior contributes to poor police-community relations. Offensive language was one of those behaviors listed in the report, and something heard in the Coconut Creek incident. "Don't move or I'll break your ****ing arm," Arendale says he heard a police officer shout at Reid before Reid eventually died in police custody.

  6. #6
    Chaz Stevens over wait weight white male in his 50's. Not married no girlfriend past for domestic violence. Every business he has ever started has failed. Lives at home with very successful parents back in his childhood bedroom because he has no Job. Drives a 1992 Toyota with only 10 payments left. Check this link and see if Fat Boy might match up.

    Chaz would burn any cop to get a post to his site. This is a very sick and disturbed individual. His life consists of sitting in is bedroom in the glow of his computer screen typing hate and looking for a response.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Chaz Stevens over wait weight white male in his 50's. Not married no girlfriend past for domestic violence. Every business he has ever started has failed. Lives at home with very successful parents back in his childhood bedroom because he has no Job. Drives a 1992 Toyota with only 10 payments left. Check this link and see if Fat Boy might match up.

    Chaz would burn any cop to get a post to his site. This is a very sick and disturbed individual. His life consists of sitting in is bedroom in the glow of his computer screen typing hate and looking for a response.
    Fat Boy posted numerous times-to his small group of followers-that he posts here only because he gets a rise in his shorts doing this all day at his computer screen to you. In his own words, he doesn't care what he posts as long as it wastes your time and accomplishes annoying you. Why let him use you for his personal male cop fantasies?

  8. #8

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Chaz you are an azzhole. Trash Mann because he deserves it, don't trash the cops with an offensive t shirt.
    No one is trashing the cops, yet. Because they are under strict orders of termination not to say anything. Because someone died right in front of them that may or may not have been caused by them. Sounds serious. Serious enough to pull themfrom the road for a litany of reasons. But hey, why start doing the right thing now......

    With that in mind, please enjoy. Starting at 2:21. almost a mirror image of our chief talking to the press. at 3:20, a near perfect rendition of him NOT answering a question, and scurrying away. Enjoy!


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