This is an essay test. We put you in a theoretical situation, you respond
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  1. #1
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    This is an essay test. We put you in a theoretical situation, you respond

    You are human resource director (Vivian Manah) your duties include 1. Personnel. 2. Insurance 3. Safety. You are called to a meeting with the police chief and the city manager. You assist them by helping to formulate a plan to bypass the whistle blower law's time limit and punish BR with termination just before Xmas. Now you are intertwined between the police chief of 30 years and the city manager who holds your job in his hands. You have been suckered into malevolent conspiracy to terminate and punish BR.

    1) what do you do?

    2) how do feel about being played for a fool.

    Remember, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary count.
    This is a test.

  2. #2
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Lieutenant
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    TP you got any proof of this?

    The media would love it. you can email me at and I will pass it to them for you. I'm just a nice guy like that, what can I say.

    I feel sorry for what was done to BR. How the Chief could use such a lame excuse against him, then keep known criminal actors like Murguido on the payroll is disgusting.

    If you got dirt on Gretsas (other than that all over the internet) I would love to see it. I already put up a video showing him committing a federal felony, deprivation of rights under color of law 18USC242.

  3. #3
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Lieutenant
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    They (i.e. Rolle and Aquino) like to try to use time limits to get themselves out of trouble. They tried to use the police officer bill of rights against me to protect Murguido.


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