Nefarious character
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  1. #1
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Nefarious character

    Command pimp has just interpretate the meaning of an HPD sop. If incorrect we would like someone to correct it. The sop in question basically opens disciplinary action against personnel from (associating with persons with nefarious character or of moral turpidtide). If we are correct capt Kent has been disciplined twice for lying if this be the case. She has at the opened up the whole dept for disciplinary action not to mention broken one of the Ten Commandments not once but twice.our information leads us to believe she is involved in an ongoing investigation which she refuses to comment on. Who is investigating the fine capt, FBI, FDLE, SOA
    Would'nt it be a kick in the ass he-haw if itwere our own Tony Aquino, just so she could hide behind a technicality.

    Your most humble servants, Thomas Paine, Po-po, Comand pimp

  2. #2
    Twinkle Toes Tony will probably use his tried and true method of blocking accountability, by relying upon a blatant misrepresentation of the police officer bill of rights. He likes that 180 day time limit, but also likes to the ignore the requirement to pause this 180 day time clock during the course of any criminal investigation and/or prosecution that is connected to the allegations of misconduct.

    Another trick I would watch out for is him trying to keep open an IA file without written permission from the chief, which is required after 45 days if the case has not been closed. I've see him do this as well. Hell he kept at least one case open without permission for 15 months, and did not get permission to keep it open until 13 months later, and there still was no record of written permission given.

    TP when you say she broke one of the ten commandants do you mean that she bared false witness against a neighbor, as the Decalogue doesn't say not to lie, only to not bear false witness against a neighbor.

    Lastly, if we are talking about moral turpitude there are many others besides your main squeeze Myrna who fail this test.

    I wouldn't worry too much about your dilemma of being in violation of the SOPs unless the Chief doesn't like you, as that is the only time he finds the SOPs useful to discipline. Just ask Rea.


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