We have been watching this situation behind the scenes. It is unbelievable that Myrna would bring a possible hostile work place suite against the city. Come to think of it no it isn't, her pattern of behavior is very predictable. We have listening post at city hall and at the pd. What is remarkable is she is allowed to spew
Her hateful fantasies without fear of reprisal. The old quote "evil flourishes where good men do nothing"
Holds true in this situation. Lt. Johnson is no doubt one of the pd's better personnel. Who in the dept. holds Myrna responsible? We must now issue a herpes alert,the blisters on her ass are starting to fester.
Don't forget sgt Myrna jr. It looks like your pound of flesh is about to be thrown in the frying pan. We want everyone in the dept. to be just as sweet as you can to capt Myrna. Imagine giving an officer a two year old evaluation amongst other nefarious infusions of fantasy ilke and stupidity. Capt Myrna we remind you just as chief gold tooth, you see us every day, you have no clue as to who we are and you can't get rid of us.

Thomas Paine, po-po poet, command pimp