Cadets walked out on SOT - Page 11
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  1. #101

    Re: Cadets walked out on SOT

    "You want the TRUTH? couldn't handle the TRUTH!!!! :shock:

  2. #102

    Re: Cadets walked out on SOT

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    "You want the TRUTH? couldn't handle the TRUTH!!!! :shock:

    :lol: :lol:

  3. #103

    Re: Cadets walked out on SOT

    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Spoon
    I can think of at least three new corporals that I know that went to street crimes when promoted. I wont put their good names in this crap forum. Research back the last few big promotions since 2010 and see for yourself. God I have some dumb co-workers who would rather believe BS than easily research the truth.
    Talk to the people who work with him in Street Crimes and I think they would agree he had the right skill set to accomplish the changes implemented to that unit. Also, talk to the people he worked with in Major Violators and I think you would find he proved himself there as well. And Copper is right, they've been routinely moving newly promoted people...people without big connections...directly into specialty units. Check the Recruitment and Screening corporal, he went directly there and he has absolutely no strong political allies pulling strings for him, I promise you that.

  4. #104

    Re: Cadets walked out on SOT

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Spoon
    I can think of at least three new corporals that I know that went to street crimes when promoted. I wont put their good names in this crap forum. Research back the last few big promotions since 2010 and see for yourself. God I have some dumb co-workers who would rather believe BS than easily research the truth.
    Talk to the people who work with him in Street Crimes and I think they would agree he had the right skill set to accomplish the changes implemented to that unit. Also, talk to the people he worked with in Major Violators and I think you would find he proved himself there as well. And Copper is right, they've been routinely moving newly promoted people...people without big connections...directly into specialty units. Check the Recruitment and Screening corporal, he went directly there and he has absolutely no strong political allies pulling strings for him, I promise you that.
    Thanks Cpl Docobo. Plus you just answered several more issues, like how he got transferred/promoted to so many different sections and job assignments in such a short amount of years. Most Deps are lucky if they get even one transfer in the time YOU have been at the office. I'm sure that absolutely NO POLITICS were involved at all in getting all his assignments? Please tell me that nobody is naive enough to possibly believe that. Just enjoy YOUR hand picked GOLDEN SPOON career and shut up already!

  5. #105

    Re: Cadets walked out on SOT

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Spoon
    I can think of at least three new corporals that I know that went to street crimes when promoted. I wont put their good names in this crap forum. Research back the last few big promotions since 2010 and see for yourself. God I have some dumb co-workers who would rather believe BS than easily research the truth.
    Talk to the people who work with him in Street Crimes and I think they would agree he had the right skill set to accomplish the changes implemented to that unit. Also, talk to the people he worked with in Major Violators and I think you would find he proved himself there as well. And Copper is right, they've been routinely moving newly promoted people...people without big connections...directly into specialty units. Check the Recruitment and Screening corporal, he went directly there and he has absolutely no strong political allies pulling strings for him, I promise you that.
    The "right skills for street crimes" you say? Please give us a break dude. No offense to those who currently work in street crimes, but todays SCU is a joke compared to the ones assembled years ago. They're like night & day in comparison. Not to fault those currently assigned, just in terms of how restricted the current street crime units are and how totally non-proactive the unitsare now. Anybody that has been at the office for say over 12 years and had any dealings with the old & current day SCU's knows exactly what I'm talking about. So I'm not sure exactly what specific "skill set" is needed for todays SCU's, unless it has somethingtodo with micro-managing your troops or pulling their leash real tight. I have seen where they are practically nothing more then ILP Do-Boys & Girls and basically just a set of "reds & blues" along with a glorified Papa-Tango Unit for ILP. I know this to be factual, because I talk to several deputies who are currently assigned to SCU at least 2-3 timds aweek or more and this is what they each tell me. They hate it, but they apparently hate working the street even worse. Both street crimes and the street used to be fun to work. Too bad that the "Boy Wonder" Gee and the azzwipe chief Docobo have poisoned this once great place to work and turned it into their personal science projects. Guess who the test specimens are!

  6. #106

    Re: Cadets walked out on SOT

    Quote Originally Posted by EXSPERIANCE IS KEY
    It sounds like a joke, I do agree it is important to be fit but SOT is not the way to go, on the street your comunication skills are the most important and prior exsperiance is key not always a degree from college I hope that someday the command staff will relize that. just think in a S24 situation do you want a seasoned vet that will act or a green rookie that can calculate the time it takes u to get up after your jumped. and as far as the degree thing why is that important, the recrutment department will except any 2year ever under water basket weving, HCSO needs to get a new chief and put someone in there that has common since. You have some of the best Law Enforcement in the nation, but they are affraid to do there jobs due to being singled out. I wish Gee would grow a pair and take control of the office and tell the chief to learn some type of people skills, if Gee was to stop suddenly him and chief would be one and you know what I mean. I know someone is going to post in there defence do me a faver when you do at least wipe the brown off your face. and one more thing it was about time Davis retired I was wondering how long the county was going to waste money on him.

    there are so many typos in this, I honestly can't take you serious don't even know the difference between their and there, and sense and wonder you're sour!

  7. #107

    Re: Cadets walked out on SOT

    Quote Originally Posted by tyrich
    Quote Originally Posted by EXSPERIANCE IS KEY
    It sounds like a joke, I do agree it is important to be fit but SOT is not the way to go, on the street your comunication skills are the most important and prior exsperiance is key not always a degree from college I hope that someday the command staff will relize that. just think in a S24 situation do you want a seasoned vet that will act or a green rookie that can calculate the time it takes u to get up after your jumped. and as far as the degree thing why is that important, the recrutment department will except any 2year ever under water basket weving, HCSO needs to get a new chief and put someone in there that has common since. You have some of the best Law Enforcement in the nation, but they are affraid to do there jobs due to being singled out. I wish Gee would grow a pair and take control of the office and tell the chief to learn some type of people skills, if Gee was to stop suddenly him and chief would be one and you know what I mean. I know someone is going to post in there defence do me a faver when you do at least wipe the brown off your face. and one more thing it was about time Davis retired I was wondering how long the county was going to waste money on him.
    I have to agree who ever posted this must of failed grade school. I do however agree with most of it. Just because someone has a degree doesn't mean they have any common sense or can do this job. Maybe that is why the command staff doesn't want them to get involved in anything except report writing, and answering calls for service.

    As far as the Cpl. in question I don't know him or how well a job he has done. So maybe he should get the promotion. What I will say is he will probably "now" be promoted up the chain quickly. It seems at the HCSO if your one of the selected few you get promoted almost every year or two. This not only gives you a higher rank, but a pay increase that no one else gets.

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