10-100 - Page 4
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Thread: 10-100

  1. #31

    Re: 10-100

    why don't you go ask him you shit stirring coward *****

  2. #32

    Re: 10-100

    I guess you're going crazy without a rumor to talk about, so now we just make up stuff to talk about! RH is who I guess you're referring too. If so, he still works here and is not under a IA. He's been on leave for the Army. So keep it too yourself next time and you won't look silly.

    And second of all, I'm sure you weren't in this X100 but I was and everyone involved did a awesome job, especially RH.

  3. #33

    Re: 10-100

    Every time I look at this website, all I see is Blah-de-bee-bee, blah blah blah-be-dee-, blooh-blah. Nothing but a bunch of hippity-hooblah. Cowards are like some that lead from behind and hide behind others or computers. They write those posts to stir up garbage. None of them would go to the person and ask what happen. They assume the worst, like the already mentioned cowards that lead from behind. Those same people are usually unqualified for the positions they are in which says nothing has ever changed, now will it ever. *****, gripe and moan. Talk trash behind people's back. Even if the subject matter is a turd why air the dirty drawers on this website? Whenever promotions, hirings, firings, or even high profile events occur, nothing is spared this site. Oh, there was only "1" person to get paper, and it was given by an unqualified person whose career has been from the safety behind you others and has a tendency to jump to conclusions. But you don't see the recipient of the paper raising hell. There were no IA's, no admin leaves, no suspensions and no drama except for what was posted here. Blah-de-bee-bee, blah blah blah-be-dee-, blooh-blah and hippity-hoo blah is all I read.

  4. #34

    Re: 10-100

    Shut up. were you their were you in the cop cars were you in the car with the suspect no dont run your mouth about it let me geuss you were watching it on the news well they twist things around shut up cowards get a life and stop crying over what you thought happend :devil:

  5. #35

    Re: 10-100

    Quote Originally Posted by Coffee N Doughnuts
    You were just trying to catch up after taking a snack break.
    Listen up dumb ass shut up get a life most of the cops are in shape probably unlike your dumb ass

  6. #36

    Re: 10-100

    I farted

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