What's up with your neighbors.... can you guys top this?

New things are happening in North Bay Village but those of you who work there will think this is just a repeat of something old with a different ending.

A few nights ago something happened at Trios by the Bay. Yeah, I know you are thinking that WS was working there again and something went wrong again and everyone is going to perjure themselves again trying to get him fired and then he’ll win his job back with back pay, in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, after a year and a half paid vacation. No that is not McVay, but yep; McVay is returning and will pick up another big check. Like everyone says, ”The Village is the best place NOT to work for, because they pay you so well.”

But let’s get back to a few nights ago. See if this is familiar to a few years ago. I feel I should start it off as a joke, you know, one of those, there were two cops in a bar joke (working off duty) and a guy (victim) walks up to them and says “I’ve just been robbed and the subject is inside at the bar”. The one cop turns to the victim and says, “GO AWAY!”, so he does. Situation handled. Because, if you are going to hang around in bars, sooner or later bad things will happen to you, we all know that. Maybe like, you drink a lot, get hit on by a good looking girl, dance with her all cuddly and all for a few slow dances as you try to make your grinning buddies jealous. You kiss her all over the neck on the dance floor, grab her ass, etc. When you return to your friends they say tell you “that a guy”. How embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as what happens in this story. You will wish you were kissy cop. Try and guess where the joke ends.

So the victim must have been seen by the subject(s) talking to the cops and when the cops leave the off duty job and go home, guess what? You guessed it, but only you because obviously these two cops were too stupid to see tomorrow. A couple hours later, after talking to the cops and asking for help, who to you think is found a few blocks away from the bar, left lying in the gutter beaten so badly that Fire Rescue has to take him to the hospital. Yes, please help me guy.

After a couple hours someone finally puts two and two together and notifies the two dummy cops responsible for the assault. The new crew Sergeant is wondering where the robbery report is (possibly armed). After a while one of the off duty cops, the Sergeant (yeah, a Sergeant) starts feeling bad (I say, more like, afraid for her job), calls the Lieutenant and confesses. WOW, how standup-ish. Does anyone wonder if she handed up her partner on that call? First to talk is first to walk. Maybe she did. He is a patrolman and you know how shit rolls, downhill, where the patrolman play. So when the Lieutenant hears this, he screams “What? Don’t you know that’s what we fired SJ for?” This is where the joke/story ends because that’s all the information I have.

But I can surmise the happy ending. No detective rushed to get the story from “help me guy” and find out if these were the same goon(s) that robbed him. The Lieutenant did not leave his house to investigate hoping that the shit goes out with the NBV tide.
The Chief will not do anything because she is the golden one that the Department will do nothing to.

-She is the Secretary of the FOP.
-She showed up to work 60% of the time in the year 2012.
-Her Workers’ Comp injury filings are more numerous than her years on the job.
-She has had so many auto accidents that she is now forced to run into her own house. -She has had two police departments in Broward County call the North Bay Village Chief to inform him that if he does not get her to calm down, leave their station and stop threatening her husband (now ex) they will arrest her for domestic violence.

-Yes....t is “hairdo girl”; you can see her picture on the cover of the local small town newspaper. http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/ ... lage_p.php

So…………… sorry Patrolman JM, you are going down.