fernando perez
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Thread: fernando perez

  1. #1

    fernando perez

    How can we hire an officer who has a dui in his background. What a disgrace to our department.

  2. #2

    Re: fernando perez

    I'm sorry, are you perfect ?.. I could only imagine the crap you have in your background! So you never made a bad decision or wrong judgement call. Oh that's right your perfect.

  3. #3

    Re: fernando perez

    As a matter of Fact my background is CLEAN!!!!!! I am aware that Everyone makes mistakes, my point is you were given special different treatment because you are related to the chief. Any other officer trying to get a job with us, having a dui would have been disqualified. GO Read the Manual. The officer are charged with not following the departments procedures. So you tell me brother, Are there no policy in place when it comes down to relatives. How fairs is that??

  4. #4

    Re: fernando perez

    BOO HOO FP you Gof$&kyourself.

  5. #5

    Re: fernando perez

    Yeah it's perfectly normal to have preferential treatment because of family ties! Duh! Also, it's acceptable to violate laws and get people fired over a minor accident made into a lifetime movie.

    Yeah, normal.

  6. #6

    Re: fernando perez

    What shocks the conscience of any officer standing in that town hall yesterday was that anyone of us could be in Lt's shoes, listening to all these "allegations" that have not basis and not even the State Attorney's Office would entertain. We are humans and make "administrative errors" just because a procedure was not followed not not implicate a MEDLYGATE conspiracy.

    Even if the LT gets reinstated, this is a very sad day for this town, it shows the lack of camaraderie and incompetence from the leadership.

  7. #7

    Re: fernando perez

    It was also nice to hear that officers in this "town" can seek employment with the police department even after a DUI. You are right "got#$%yourself", mistakes happened and some mistakes are bigger than others. However, I would love to be the defense attorney that represents the drunk that YOU arrest and ask you on the stand...."have you ever made this mistake?" I would love to see the stupid grin on your face.

  8. #8

    Re: fernando perez

    i keep seeing on this thread the word "mistake". be careful with that word. if you belong to this dept be sure to NEVER make a mistake. Be sure to be robot-like b/c if you don't want to be a victim like the LT was. it doesn't matter how many years experience. it doesn't matter how professional you are. it doesn't matter if you have a clean record. progressive discipline isn't of value. you will just get FIRED!!!!

  9. #9

    Re: fernando perez

    Mistake? No..you get fired over their political agendas. You don't have to make a mistake, they will find and or make one for you! LOL

    That chief is a joke running a circus she created. She already has the fat red nose, all she needs is the clown hair and she will be perfect!


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