How To Save Your Pension Seminar

Jacksonville, Florida

January 30 and 31, 2013

If you are serious about saving your pension, come to Jacksonville. If you are looking for happy talk or macho locker room rhetoric, stay home. There are other events you can go to that will provide that. No Vegas. No Atlantic City. Just Ron DeLord and Ron York giving you indigestion, along with a road map out of this pension hell.

Laugh if you want or ignore the warnings, but we can tell you with a high degree of certainty, the pension attack is not over because Mitt Romney lost to Barrack Obama. The Tea Party lost a lot of credibility last night, because they could not deliver the vote, but they are not dead yet. Look for kamikaze attacks. Wrecking pensions is one area where the Tea Party has been successful.

Contact Information:

Ron York

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