"Delos" resigns from the PBA
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  1. #1

    "Delos" resigns from the PBA

    Luis "Delos" De los Santos, one of the VP's from the PBA resigned recently. Anyone got the 411 as to what the hell happened? I heard a couple of rumors but haven't been able to verify any of them.

  2. #2

    Re: "Delos" resigns from the PBA

    Maybe he can do it financially, and is tired of the B.S. and people like you.

  3. #3

    Re: "Delos" resigns from the PBA

    Hes tired of the bs and joined the FOP to take over from the pba

  4. #4

    Re: "Delos" resigns from the PBA

    No sarcasm, can anyone confirm if Delo resigned or are the rumors another failed attempt to get a rise out of the members?

    Delo, if you happen to read all of this and have no objections to posting a response, please do. I would rather hear it from a direct source. (And NO the PBA Heat Is not a direct source)

    Also, if anyone cares to let the rest of us in on JR's attempts to get a contract from the Mayor (Hilarious) but you never know. It is Politics after all.

    Just wondering and an honest response (or as close to) would be appreciated. Thanks
    Looking forward to the response.

  5. #5

    Re: "Delos" resigns from the PBA

    Annette McCully sent out a departmentwide e-mail last week advising that Corporal Luis De Los Santos was resigning from the PBA.

  6. #6

    Re: "Delos" resigns from the PBA

    See what happens when you cross the great and powerful John

  7. #7

    Re: "Delos" resigns from the PBA

    The Department rank and file needs to stand up against the status quo here, Wasserman-Schults does love the PBA Boss.


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