Hiring anytime soon?
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  1. #1

    Hiring anytime soon?

    Any expected PO hiring after October?

  2. #2

    Re: Hiring anytime soon?

    Stay away until after the elections.

  3. #3

    Re: Hiring anytime soon?

    Yes Nov 6 we will be looking for a new Chief. This time we will get it right. Martell will hire from the outside. Thank God!

  4. #4

    Re: Hiring anytime soon?

    I'm really interested as well. I check the department employment page all the time, but I have never seen a job posting.

  5. #5

    Question Re: Hiring anytime soon?

    Quote Originally Posted by pokeman
    I'm really interested as well. I check the department employment page all the time, but I have never seen a job posting.
    Miami Dade is hiring. Go there. This place is in turmoil and you'll only get sucked into the vortex of the chiefs cronyism.

    Drink the water ,,, but don't drin her coffee !!! Tainted is meager description for it!!

  6. #6

    Re: Hiring anytime soon?

    To Tired of your lies, you must be a disgruntle employee. All departments have them including the private sector. The truth is this is not a bad place to work. Great salary, not that much crime, great benefits, great pension. So please tell me again why this is a bad place to work. Because I and most don't see it. If you talk to Miami dade officer's, they want to leave and go to some other police department. Remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

  7. #7

    Post Re: Hiring anytime soon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Response
    To Tired of your lies, you must be a disgruntle employee. All departments have them including the private sector. The truth is this is not a bad place to work. Great salary, not that much crime, great benefits, great pension. So please tell me again why this is a bad place to work. Because I and most don't see it. If you talk to Miami dade officer's, they want to leave and go to some other police department. Remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

    Yeppers!! It's is confirmed!!! You are drinking the cafecito in the chief's office!

  8. #8

    Re: Hiring anytime soon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Response
    To Tired of your lies, you must be a disgruntle employee. All departments have them including the private sector. The truth is this is not a bad place to work. Great salary, not that much crime, great benefits, great pension. So please tell me again why this is a bad place to work. Because I and most don't see it. If you talk to Miami dade officer's, they want to leave and go to some other police department. Remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side.
    Which is why I would love to apply here if they ever hired, I never see any employment postings though.


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