Sheriff's Budget Woes
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  1. #1

    Sheriff's Budget Woes

    Lost Wealth and a Long Climb Back 06/14/2012
    http://“The numbers are grim.The med...t every level”

    That’s why Sheriff Steube is asleep at the wheel. He’ll get reelected but he wants to stay in his comfort zone for the next 4 years. Surrounded by the same expensive team of majors, captains and lieutenants who run day to day operations. So, reorganizing the command structure, getting rid of the top heavy old timers, making room for a new generation of educated leaders and restructuring the wage scale to benefit sergeants and deputies isn’t on Steube’s agenda. Because he likes the feeling of being surrounded by the same old high maintenance/high salaried worn out boots. So he’ll keep coming back and asking for more money. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride. I don’t think “coasting” is realistic for Steube over the next 4 years. Neither is retiring midterm because Gov. Scott’s appointee would clean house…….unless Miss Charlie Christ makes a comeback in 2014.

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Re: Sheriff's Budget Woes

    Waldron is too far right for my comfort but it would force change. It would definitely dismantle the old phfart command. And what if he crosses the line into the sovereign stuff??? Three sheriffs since 1959 have drawn the attention of the Governors Office for removal, this could be the 4th. Even better still if Waldron gets elected he can QUIT MIDTERM and have the Governor appoint someone else. If he made that promise he’d probably win.

  4. #4

    Re: Sheriff's Budget Woes

    Quote Originally Posted by Vote 4 Waldron
    Waldron is too far right for my comfort but it would force change. It would definitely dismantle the old phfart command. And what if he crosses the line into the sovereign stuff??? Three sheriffs since 1959 have drawn the attention of the Governors Office for removal, this could be the 4th. Even better still if Waldron gets elected he can QUIT MIDTERM and have the Governor appoint someone else. If he made that promise he’d probably win.
    Lets cut to the chase....We all know he is not qualified to be the detective he was...He is not qualified to be a sergeant, never mind a sheriff....His whole candidacy (can we call it that..??) is sour grapes and we all know it...

  5. #5

    Re: Sheriff's Budget Woes

    Quote Originally Posted by Vote 4 Waldron
    Waldron is too far right for my comfort but it would force change. It would definitely dismantle the old phfart command. And what if he crosses the line into the sovereign stuff??? Three sheriffs since 1959 have drawn the attention of the Governors Office for removal, this could be the 4th. Even better still if Waldron gets elected he can QUIT MIDTERM and have the Governor appoint someone else. If he made that promise he’d probably win.

    He would be good to clean house..........the Col. ... 2 Majors.. at least 3 Capt...and several Lt. need to get booted out, and then we would be on the right track to be a better agency.

  6. #6

    Re: Sheriff's Budget Woes

    Quote Originally Posted by patrol
    Quote Originally Posted by Vote 4 Waldron
    Waldron is too far right for my comfort but it would force change. It would definitely dismantle the old phfart command. And what if he crosses the line into the sovereign stuff??? Three sheriffs since 1959 have drawn the attention of the Governors Office for removal, this could be the 4th. Even better still if Waldron gets elected he can QUIT MIDTERM and have the Governor appoint someone else. If he made that promise he’d probably win.

    He would be good to clean house..........the Col. ... 2 Majors.. at least 3 Capt...and several Lt. need to get booted out, and then we would be on the right track to be a better agency.
    And a lot of lazy patrol deputies need to get booted out too .


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