You talk about me - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: You talk about me

    Now The War Begins between City Police and The Sheriff Office ? I have been waiting for this day ! hmm I Wonder Who is Going to Win ! I Wonder if THEY HAVE BEEN waiting TOO!

  2. #12

    Exclamation Re: You talk about me

    Can someone please tell me who is the little boy in a CPD uniform directing and crossing kids at Clermont Elementary. At glance it look like a guy, but in dropping off my son daily, I
    realized that indeed it was a female CP officer. My concern is this -- we have alot of children that live with in walking distance and parents that make comments about this female police officer, can someone tell her that it is unprofessional to be sitting on the front hood of a police car with her legs wide opened, like I said at first I thought it was a male police officer, she really comes close to it.
    Clermont lets keep professional ,,,,,,lord knows you guys need more than a definition on professionalism.

  3. #13

    Post Re: You talk about me

    [quote="Guest"]One down one to go :evil:

    Another one that will come back because SG, JL, CB, and va JJ, F"ed up!!!! You F'in clowns blew your load tooooooo fast, maybe SG that's why all your ex's keep divorcing you....your way to fast! Stop losing weight before you blow away. Maybe you should be like JJ and get some that young protein milk that he uses. Get yourself a bicycle with a pointy little seat and enjoy yourself. Or you could be like your other one and tangle your body with another man in some form of fake Karate sheet, whatever tickles your fancy!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:

  4. #14

    Re: You talk about me

    So looking at all this mess, what are the end results?
    Lets get these guys back to work and make CPD the jam up agency it needs to be.
    SG get over your personal issues with these guys move on to where you need to be.
    You have the ability to make this agency the best in Lake County.
    Use your people in the right areas and you will see how well the brotherhood and moral will increase.
    Get rid of your ass kissers cause when its all said and done, they will throw you under the bus.
    Capt. B" you really turned out to be a real winner, coming from where you come from and dealing with good old boy network now -- do you really think your going to get anywhere?
    Think again! Can anybody say---token----token-----token
    Let these guys do what they do best, their jobs!
    and leave these dirty underhanded games out of it.
    Can't we all just get along!!!!!!! :cop:

  5. #15

    Re: You talk about me

    Uh, I think I missed something here.
    SG may have arrived in Clermont with the ability to make this agency the best in Lake County (or not), but there's no way at this point that he retains that ability. He has shown lacks the intestinal fortitude to risk losing his hefty paycheck (and possibly his overpriced house) by standing up to HIS boss and take a stand for justice.

  6. #16

    Re: You talk about me

    HAAAAAAAAAAAA......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....This crap is tooooo funyyyyy....Really Clermont HATERS really,,,thank god i'm not a cop and have to be around my own kind putting other Officer's down like does it ever end....Hey copper,,,you better be careful looks like if bullets are flying you may catch one if you think the other guy will help you out...pathetic,,,pathetic...I'm sure some of the posts are from the ones that we read in the paper that got fired and their wives....Move on..Misery loves company..Wow the things people will say to try to make themselves look better in the mirror just so you know..IT DOSEN'T..LMAO...WOW..Got to keep loving the ignorance of other people..Keep it up..Need to get a good laugh and you people making jackasses of yourself on a site that everyone can read through. Apparently, the ones you talk about could careless they dont even reply back,,what does that tell ya,,think about it..Dont think they care what you say..Hey, we would love to see some a good CAT fight...LMAO....LMAO...

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