Facts from FDLE - Page 2
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Thread: Facts from FDLE

  1. #11

    Re: Facts from FDLE

    What the FDLE Crime Reports show is that Morgan is a FAILURE! Plain and simple. Since he has been in office violent crime has risen, Murders are out of control and they are ramping up this year.

    I cannot even begin to go through all the evidence that points to his poor leadership starting with all of his self inflicted distractions whereas he pokes his nose in everyone elses business. All I can say is, if I were Governor I would be telling Morgan ... you need to be more concerned with the people dying in your streets than how I work my budget.

    The litmus test is this --- Do you feel safer in your home today than 3 years ago. I bet most people would say NO. Just ask Ms. Betsy who tried to write about her experiences only to be trashed by Davey 2 or worse Morgan himself.

  2. #12

    Re: Facts from FDLE

    Quote Originally Posted by BootsOnTheGround
    What the FDLE Crime Reports show is that Morgan is a FAILURE! Plain and simple. Since he has been in office violent crime has risen, Murders are out of control and they are ramping up this year.

    I cannot even begin to go through all the evidence that points to his poor leadership starting with all of his self inflicted distractions whereas he pokes his nose in everyone elses business. All I can say is, if I were Governor I would be telling Morgan ... you need to be more concerned with the people dying in your streets than how I work my budget.

    The litmus test is this --- Do you feel safer in your home today than 3 years ago. I bet most people would say NO. Just ask Ms. Betsy who tried to write about her experiences only to be trashed by Davey 2 or worse Morgan himself.
    Here's the problem with your analysis, Daffy:

    1. The Governor does not, and can not, tell Morgan what to do - as a matter of fact both the Governor and the Attorney General think quite highly of Morgan, an esteem that Powell, particularly since he embroiled the Governor in a fund raising scandal, does not enjoy. http://powellscharacter.net23.net/index.php
    2. I give you a pass on this one - criminology is not covered on the GED, either the store bought one or the actual one, so....Morgan never pokes his nose into every one else's [sic] business. Derelict buildings and neighborhood neglect are breeding grounds for crime - it's called preventive law enforcement, again, not covered on your GED. These are not distractions, but his job. I would love to hear the public's response if JP starts giving campaign speeches decrying those efforts and pledging to stop them - should steal about half of the 120 votes that he could have expected.
    3. While your attempt at campaign rhetoric about violent crime may resonate with Powellette deputies, the average voter is smarter than a Powellette (but then so is my mother's dachsund) and understands that local crime figures are a result of national environmental issues, and of RMc's cooking of the books.
    4. Not a single one of you Powellettes can cite an example of police tactics that Morgan could have employed to stop a murder or a rape , supra, and the public will understand this even if it can't reach you mouth-breather's tiny little brains.
    5. Betsy is simply Rex; admittedly, Rex may well have worn a dress when he wrote it, but then Rex will often wear a dress when not posing as a voter and writing fictitious letters - a habit we understand began when he was under McNesby.

  3. #13

    Re: Facts from FDLE

    The answer to your long babblings is we have no LEADERSHIP. The dept is like a ship with no one at the helm.

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