From The FOP State Lodge



The 2011 Legislative Session is finally and thankfully over. This was without a doubt the most challenging and stressful session we have faced in recent memory. Early Saturday morning at 0335hrs. the Senate dropped the hankie to formally end the session. They met again to finalize budget issues but the bills that affected our law enforcement members, pensions, payroll dues deduction, collective bargaining, impasse issues had been resolved.

Senate Bill 830 died at midnight Friday. This contentious bill would have eliminated the ability to collect union dues through payroll deduction, added extreme reporting procedures and severely restricted political activities. All of the unions in our labor coalition fought hard against

this unfair bill. Our FOP legislative team members worked to defeat this bill and received early on commitments from key legislators. The Republican leadership and Senator Thrasher fought equally hard to pass the bill using the Florida Chamber of Commerce and others against the unions.

While concentrating on pension reform, the initial proposals from Governor Scott’s office and Republican leadership were extreme ideas to balance the state budget on the backs of state workers in FRS. Democratic Senator Jeremy Ring submitted the pension bills that were worked on and amended throughout the session. Senator Ring was very receptive and willing to work with the state workers and was one of the voices of reason. Many in the House and Senate simply ignored the facts and refused to listen. With a super majority in the House it became important to focus on the Senate. In the final days and hours a rush of Conforming Bills were being introduced as attachments to the Budget. They were being added so fast and more than any other session before that some Senators began complaining they did not have time to read the bills. Our members had to watch and read 2200 pages closely to the end.

Those in the Florida Retirement System will see a 3% contribution rate. The outline of changes we last reported will be implemented. No changes in DROP for those already retired or in DROP. New hires, DROP guaranteed rate of return drops from 6.5% to 1.3%. COLA set aside

for 5 years to 2016, Average Final Compensation based on high 8 instead of high 5. 30 years of service or age 60 (increase of 5 years). Vesting in 8 years instead of 6.

Those in local pension plans will not have a mandatory Defined Contribution plan, we keep the Defined Benefit plans. No changes to the premium tax revenue for use as enhancements. 300 hour cap on overtime for calculation of AFC – annually. No sick or annual leave to be calculated in the AFC. Only upon agreement of both parties during collective bargaining will an increase in the contribution rate be permitted without an increase in benefits.

SB830/HB1021 – Payroll Dues Deduction Bill Failed

SB2100/HB1405 – Florida Retirement System Passed

(3% contribution rate/reduction in COLA for new hires)

SB1128/HB7241 – Lodge Pension Plans Passed

SB2040/HB691 – Immigration Failed

SB2086/HB1355 – Elections Bill

(reduction in early voting/restrictions on voter registration activities/50% reduction in the time to conduct citizen’s voter registration drives)

The Sheriff as a Legislative Body (Impasse bill) failed earlier in the session thanks to our legislative efforts. We still are awaiting the decision of the Florida Supreme Court in Pasco County on the Sheriff’s appeal.

More details and report cards for our legislators coming soon.


FD Bro'