Protest King Scott - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: Protest King Scott

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Things need to change, I am not so sure it needs to be done on the backs of state employees though.

    Public workers need to get a grip and shut up already. Private sector employees lost benefits starting back a couple of years ago. They may have a 401K, but they also pay for it, most of them paying 100%. All he's asking is that you contribute a little more. You get your money back...don't you get it??? Why should I keep paying for you, when I lost mine years ago. Private businesses can't pay for everything, just as the citizens can't pay for all of your stuff. Times are hard and you just need to be happy that you have a job at all. Okay, so maybe you've lost or are losing a VERY SMALL percentage of something...that's how it is, things change. My boss promised me a job forever also, then the bottom fell out of the economy. The business closed, there ya go, I'm without a job. Will you be quiet when the government goes bankrupt?? You're all a bunch of whiny babies! Disrespectful whiny babies at that.
    You Sir, are ignorant. Your tea bagging governor wants me to pay into my retirement for one reason - greed. That's right. Him and all the tea bagging morons are only interested in advancing their agenda - facts be damned. We took a lower salary because the pension and insurance benefits made the bottom line more on par with comparable private sector jobs. Cutting my pay and making me pay more for my benefits would put public sector employment waaaay below private sector jobs. Tell you what - pay me the 87,356.00 that someone in the private sector would make doing a comparable job and you can keep your benefits and pension. Don't forget to make that check retroactive and the Great State of Florida can have a new person do my thankless job. Tool.
    Hey Pecker Head: Scott is the man and you better not forget. He will be here when your ass is on side of the road. The TEA PARTY RULES, SO SUCK IT UP.

  2. #12

    Re: Protest King Scott

    the tea bagging nut holding lazy little closeted liberal no deodorant Volvo driving affirmative action hired 25 year old snot nosed birkenstock wearing punks hired since January 21 need to be worried. I will still be here when you are scrambling around with your lavender scented resume trying to get a counter job at Makeup World. Tool.

  3. #13

    Re: Protest King Scott

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    the tea bagging nut holding lazy little closeted liberal no deodorant Volvo driving affirmative action hired 25 year old snot nosed birkenstock wearing punks hired since January 21 need to be worried. I will still be here when you are scrambling around with your lavender scented resume trying to get a counter job at Makeup World. Tool.
    Boy do you have a way with words. Keep them coming. :snicker: :mrgreen: :cop:

  4. #14

    Re: Protest King Scott

    takes a tool to know a tool.......tool!

  5. #15

    Re: Protest King Scott

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    takes a tool to know a tool.......tool!
    Another tea bagging piece of fiction. You are purported to be a detector of criminal behavior. Do you have to be a criminal in order to detect crime? I think not. When I see a lazy tree hugging booger eating moron in the organic isle of Fresh Market I can identify what I'm looking at without stepping in it. Now motor on back to your Facebook page and put some water on those beets.

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