Quote Originally Posted by confused observer
I have to admit I'm really confused. Is this the same police department leadership that just recently honored numerous officers and civilians with the departments first awards ceremony. I work for a surrounding police department and on at least two occassions I have heard your chief and major rave about what good guys they have working in Juno and the great police work that is done there. All of this doesn't add up, I wonder if someone in the department might have an agenda.
Of course they rave about the officers. All the officers, with the exception of a sergeant and detective are all good officers and should be raved about. Also, take a look at a key sentence of yours. "first awards ceremony". That's so the chief can add another first to his resume that he brought to Juno. Nothing this guy has done was to benefit the officers or citizens. Everything was to benefit him moving to another agency and he let us know that. What they don"t mention are the unjustifiable write ups and terminations. The chief has been in Juno for 2 years and has fired 3 good officers, tried to fire another who fought back and won and forced another seasoned veteran to resign. That's more terminations in 2 years than in the 15 to 20 before he started and I can say not one of those officers deserved to be fired. And to answer your question about having an agenda, yes someone does, every officer in Juno Beach has an agenda, to no longer put up with the threats and intimidation, get rid of those who are only out for themselves and their buddies and get the right person as chief to give the officers and citizens of Juno Beach what they deserve.