$2.1 million - Page 2
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Thread: $2.1 million

  1. #11

    call the police

    CALL THE SHERIFF. We've been robbed. On second thought... he's the one who robbed us.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by A nobody
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    3% this past October, 5% now, 3% this next October. Not the best, but better than Santa Rosa and the City. Both are hiring if you catch my drift...
    How sweet; a company man is reminding us how lucky we are to serve Lord Mcnugget.

    Sure is easy for Directors and other do nothing office pogues to make comments like that from behind their hardwood desks located in their climate contolled and feng shui arranged offices.

    Go huddle around the rear echelon water cooler and think of more ways to fazugie the rank and file. We will still be out here in the cold rain facing the potential of death at any time. We aren't privileged like you Mcnuggets but at least we still have our manhood and dignity.

    Just remember that while you're tucked away in your cozy silk sheets tonight there are deputies out there, some of whom you ****ed over earlier that day, doing what you never had the balls to do yourself.
    Sleep tight little sissies and don't fret, your morning latte and bagel at breakfast with Ronnie Mac will help you regain your pseudo-masculinity.

    Before you realize it will be lunch time and you can brag to Hooters girls about how powerful you all are. They will smile and giggle nervously making you clowns feel even more like men. You'll leave more in tips on that table than the average deputy has to buy lunch during his/her entire work week.

    Then its back to the office...maybe. Back to your secure office with your cute secretary possibly even one of those former Hooters girls to gaze upon until the end of your day. Don't forget that meeting at 1400hrs when you'll decide how to divide up the rest of the money among yourselves.

    What...the employees are upset about 5%?

    Eh...just tell them to get jobs elsewhere.
    Too those who weren't here then or just forgot....nothing changes, just the names!!!! Cry, *****, moan, whine, hollar or what ever, there will always be a new set of women to cry foul.

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