who got fired monday - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: who got fired monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Lib
    Holder is a moron? You need to stop watching Fox "News" also. You should see the results of the survey showing that Fox "News" viewers are totally misinformed about world events. And I'm not talking Liberal V. Conservative. Just in general. Its pretty sad. If you have ever travelled beyond our borders you'd know that the rest of the world laughs at the ignorance of the American people. The Tea baggers are a prime example of American ignorance. They are protesting excessive taxes not knowing that the majority of them got tax cuts last year, as did we.( I received an extra $800.00 due to last years tax cuts ) Where were their protests when Bush cut the taxes for the rich and left us hanging? The top 400 tax payers in this country saw their effective tax rate drop to 16.6% while their average income rose 31%. (IRS website). How much did your income raise last year??
    Obama will spend more in his first 2 years than Bush spent in 8. Think about that for a minute.

    We can't afford all this spending, whether it's Dem's or Republicans. It's not the Tea Party who is saying stupid shit, that would be you.

  2. #12

    Re: who got fired monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Lib
    Holder is a moron? You need to stop watching Fox "News" also. You should see the results of the survey showing that Fox "News" viewers are totally misinformed about world events. And I'm not talking Liberal V. Conservative. Just in general. Its pretty sad. If you have ever travelled beyond our borders you'd know that the rest of the world laughs at the ignorance of the American people. The Tea baggers are a prime example of American ignorance. They are protesting excessive taxes not knowing that the majority of them got tax cuts last year, as did we.( I received an extra $800.00 due to last years tax cuts ) Where were their protests when Bush cut the taxes for the rich and left us hanging? The top 400 tax payers in this country saw their effective tax rate drop to 16.6% while their average income rose 31%. (IRS website). How much did your income raise last year??
    That wasnt Obama's doing, that was the tax cuts by the Bush administration......which Obama is letting sunset. So that $800 you got wont be there next year...and you'll be paying.

  3. #13

    Re: who got fired monday

    No, That $800 has nothing to do with Bush. The tax cuts that are ending were for the rich, not us. Like the estate tax, what republicans refer to out of ignorance as the "death tax". The right calls it that to get people upset, but if you look into it you'll find that it only effects multimillion dollar estates, not your average middle class family.

  4. #14

    Re: who got fired monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Lib
    No, That $800 has nothing to do with Bush. The tax cuts that are ending were for the rich, not us. Like the estate tax, what republicans refer to out of ignorance as the "death tax". The right calls it that to get people upset, but if you look into it you'll find that it only effects multimillion dollar estates, not your average middle class family.
    Just keep drinking the Koolaide sparky....

  5. #15

    Re: who got fired monday

    Thats pretty much the response I expected. Keep up your ignorance and we'll never get out of this mess.

  6. #16

    Re: who got fired monday

    I know...

    They called in Lt DJ and fired him again with his mentor CPT Mayor......they were escorted by Maj Karl (who dat)

  7. #17

    Re: who got fired monday

    your mom.

  8. #18

    Re: who got fired monday

    just like a lib to want to take money from the people who earn it and distribute it to people on welfare...the "estate tax" does just that...someone that has workd their whole life and pay taxes on that money to make a good life for their family, and if they have done a good job and accumulted wealth...then you want to take even more and spread it t those who didn't try. 50% of the population of this country pay $0 in taxes every year, while the top 10% of earners pay 90% of the federal governments outragous bills.

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