Quote Originally Posted by prick finder
Apparently Lamm is not the only one that feels professional courtesy is not extended to other law enforcement officers. Trooper C G Taylor wrote a 25 year veteran of law enforcement a citation for not wearing a helmet. He too looked very neat and clean in his uniform and truly feels he is a premier law enforcement officer. His ego and self image could barely fit back into his vehicle. While speaking to the 25 year veteran he was concerned if the officer had any weapons and had his hand on his weapon incase the officer he stopped was going to attack him. When asked if there was any break he could give a fellow law enforcement officer, a warning citation or something. He stated not for a helmet violation and proceeded to lecture on the number of people he sees in accidents on the highway. As if the 25 year veteran he is writing the citation to has never seen a traffic accident or had to handle one.

When the 25 year veteran calls trooper Taylor on this stupid rational, Trooper Taylor says he is not going to debate it with him. He started the debate with the stupid rational about previous accidents. The issue is about professional courtesy, not if a helmet is necessary or not. If you are going to write another officer a citation dont hide behind your job or that you are saving lives by writing citations, we all know that is a bunch of crap. You have discretion and choose not to use it because you are a prick. Be a man stand up and say I am a prick and choose to write you this citation. Dont be a coward and hide behind some stupid rational of previous accidents.

Trooper Taylor you will be stopped some day and when that happens if the officer who stops you decides not to write you a citation, dont be a hypocrite and accept that. You have to now demand that he writes you a citation because if he doesnt issue the citation it could impact the number of accidents he sees on his highway. Obviously you should not ask for professional courtesy, because you dont extend it to anyone else.

To anyone that reads this, do Trooper Taylor a favor if or when he is stopped be sure and issue citations, it will make him feel better. Apparently he feels everyone deserves citations and citations will stop traffic accidents. This rational has worked so well for the last 100 years.
I have read and re-read your post to not only gather the content but also the 'feel' of what you were saying. I actually couldn't HELP but read it since you seem to have posted this exact same seething venom on almost every NC thread on every NC forum! If your attitude during the stop with the trooper was ANYTHING like the 'feel' of this post, I can certainly see why you were cited. With such comments like "Don't be a coward and hide behind some stupid rationale about previous accidents" (hey, I even corrected your spelling for you), "don't hide behind your job", "that you are saving lives by writing citations, we all know that is a bunch of crap" I gather that you are the type of LEO that believes the only use for traffic laws is as a great tool to get into people's cars to conduct searches and doesn't give a damn about traffic enforcement. Probably plainclothes detective, right? I can almost hear the "What's the big deal?" attitude. It IS his job, prick finder (find yourself yet?) to enforce those laws that promogulate public safety. You don't sound like a very SMART 25 year veteran because (how did you put it?) "When the 25 year veteran calls Trooper Taylor on this stupid rationale".... Congratulations, wingnut! You are telling the man his job function has no purpose and that what he is doing and believes in is STUPID!!! The one function of law enforcement and public safety that tries to prevent the thing that kills more people every single year in this country than all of the robberies, burglaries, kidnappings, carjackings; all of the 'sexy' violent crimes you try to sell to the public that you are really out there for, and you say it's "a bunch of crap"?! And man, his professional image must have really stoked your fires in more ways than one! All of this obsession about Tpr. Taylor "looked too very neat and clean in his uniform" and 'His ego and self image could barely fit back into his vehicle"; just exactly what were you looking at, anyway? It's nice to know the professional image of Tpr. Taylor will stay with you for a long time; the professional image of a trooper is supposed to do just that. But I'm beginning to wonder if there are some latent issues you need to address, perhaps? :wink: If you aren't plainclothes, they you must be the type of cop that looks like sh*t in uniform, doesn't care about it, and projects the type of image that the public shuns when they come in contact with law enforcement. The whining you are making about him asking you if there were any weapons and having his hand on his weapon during the stop is making me nauseous. I would be glad to share a video with you of a major from a large South Florida county agency attacking deputies from a large Central Florida county agency on a traffic stop, not to mention more than one LEO swinging or resisting while being investigated or detained. More than likely his hand on his weapon is from his training and years of working the road by himself with no backup for a 25 mile or more radius (something I bet you know nothing about, prick finder) and more likely a force of habit. Naaa, you more than likely decided to just ride around the country without any helmet and go into someone elses state without BOTHERING to check what the laws were, or maybe you DID know and didn't care anyway, with this "Oh it's o.k.; I'm a cop" attitude and not even giving the respect to the troopers, deputies, or officers working there. Now hear THIS 23 year veteran Florida State Trooper. If I decide to give you a break as an OFF-DUTY, OUT OF YOUR JURISDICTION law enforcement officer then it will be because 99% of it had to do with a positive "you're right, I'm wrong, sorry about the inconvenience" attitude you present. If it's a blatent violation and you act like you really don't give a dam* then you will get as much professional courtesy as you are presenting. And don't stare at my backside as I'm walking back to my patrol car, either.