Something Positive
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Something Positive

    Brothers & Sisters,

    Although we may express our differences with politics, religion and social policy, we are all bound by our Fellowship in one of the most honorable professions on the planet, we are Law Enforcement!

    We are citizens who have chosen a life path of honor and courage. We protect people and give them help when they are unable to resolve their own problems, when they are most frightened we shield them from harm, and when they fear the end we extend their lives.

    No matter what our differences, we all have one goal, to be the one who responds when the deification makes contact with the rotary oscillator. We represent the Law, we represent what is good and just in our society, and we hold the line. As quick as it may be necessary for us to take a life, we will also hold the hand of a victim. Even though we are prepared to charge danger and fight, we are just as prepared to hold a child and carry that child to safety.

    I am very proud to be a Law Enforcement Professional and I am just as proud to stand next to my Brothers & Sisters.

    Let’s dedicate this thread to stories of valor, courage, and brotherhood.

  2. #2

    Re: Something Positive

    Shutup, moron. This is what I thought po-work was before I got hired 8 years ago.

  3. #3

    Re: Something Positive

    What have you been doing, watching the Lifetime Channel?


  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Something Positive

    Only 8 years? The rookie still shows. Give it time and you will learn to appreciate the people you work with. “Po-Work”, you should take some classes and stop learning about your job from TV shows and movies.

    Both of you logged in as “Guests” and if you don’t straighten out your attitude, that’s what you’ll always be, a guest in my profession and never a member.

    Tough talk, you guys sound like you know it all, I bet you even enjoyed Raban’s Facebook entries. Try spouting this dribble at the next LEO Funeral and see the reaction you get.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Something Positive

    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    Only 8 years? The rookie still shows. Give it time and you will learn to appreciate the people you work with. “Po-Work”, you should take some classes and stop learning about your job from TV shows and movies.

    Both of you logged in as “Guests” and if you don’t straighten out your attitude, that’s what you’ll always be, a guest in my profession and never a member.

    Tough talk, you guys sound like you know it all, I bet you even enjoyed Raban’s Facebook entries. Try spouting this dribble at the next LEO Funeral and see the reaction you get.
    WELL SAID! For some of us this job is our calling. Unfotuneatly, for some others it is just a job. Perhaps they should find someting to do with their lives that is more intrinsically rewarding.

  6. #6

    Re: Something Positive


    You and many others serve your profession with honor and's guys like Raban that stain's not fair but it is reality.

    Do you honestly think this guy service should continue...this wasn't one act, he has a long pattern of IA related you think he should still be on the job?

    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    Brothers & Sisters,

    Although we may express our differences with politics, religion and social policy, we are all bound by our Fellowship in one of the most honorable professions on the planet, we are Law Enforcement!

    We are citizens who have chosen a life path of honor and courage. We protect people and give them help when they are unable to resolve their own problems, when they are most frightened we shield them from harm, and when they fear the end we extend their lives.

    No matter what our differences, we all have one goal, to be the one who responds when the deification makes contact with the rotary oscillator. We represent the Law, we represent what is good and just in our society, and we hold the line. As quick as it may be necessary for us to take a life, we will also hold the hand of a victim. Even though we are prepared to charge danger and fight, we are just as prepared to hold a child and carry that child to safety.

    I am very proud to be a Law Enforcement Professional and I am just as proud to stand next to my Brothers & Sisters.

    Let’s dedicate this thread to stories of valor, courage, and brotherhood.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Something Positive

    Disgusted Guest,

    I personally believe he should have been relieved of his job. I’ve thought about this for a long time and realize that it’s not just about discipline; it’s about his ability to even carry out the very basics of his position as a Law Enforcement Officer.

    After this embarrassing incident, any case he’s a witness on will be dismissed or plead down to a meager pittance from what the suspect should expect for a crime. He is a stain at this point, useless as backup on any investigation and that includes even something as simple as a traffic stop. Every report or supplement he writes will be called into question and corrupt the investigation it attaches to.

    He has rendered himself impotent as an LEO. The only thing he’s good for is welfare checks and false alarm calls. If he’s smart, he’ll resign before they find an excuse to fire him, which is probably the plan since he was redirected to District 1.


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