"Red Neck Ocean's 13"
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  1. #1

    "Red Neck Ocean's 13"

    Tonight on the O'Reilly Factor, Geraldo Rivera referred to the band of suspects in the humdinger case as "Red Neck Ocean's 13" and said, "with all due respect to the authorities down in Pensacola, there is more to this case that what their talking about..." He then said that he's been advised that several federal agencies are taking a look at the case because things aren't adding up. So apparently Morgan's military precision press briefings aren't winning over folks in the big leagues.

  2. #2

    Re: "Red Neck Ocean's 13"

    How dare you question the general his daily/hourly news releases? They have been VERY informative. They have let the world know what a boob he is. Now that's a "humdinger" Did you like the "rapidity" that I came up with that? Yeah, the Ninjas planned that bad boy for a month. Just forgot to cut power, phone lines, disable security cameras, DESTROY red van like driving it into a swamp, the list is endless. This PRECISE MILITARY executed plan went off like Custard's idea to wipe out a few redskins! I bet they may have spit-balled the idea for a month, but I bet the actual "plan" was done on that "2 mile" drive from Palm Ct. to almost the Alabama line! Wait they probably had more time to plan when they missed their turn and continued NORTH on 29 and wound up in Santa Rosa County. Come on general invest in a map or get AAA to get you a triptik!

  3. #3

    Re: "Red Neck Ocean's 13"

    Did anyone hear O'Rielly say go on down there and solve the thing . Geraldo said im going . Yea now the whole world going to know QUOTE " we are a redneck county " so maybe he can teach Geraldo to speak REDNECK. David craig that is.

  4. #4

    Re: "Red Neck Ocean's 13"

    And here's what Vincent Bugliosi thinks about Morgan's theories:


    I'll lay odds that Morgan has already started his manuscript.


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