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  1. #41
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    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    I can see why some of you have a bad taste in your mouth about the Unions. . . . . . . .
    The Union is not GOD! The Union is a collection of employees looking out for each other. The majority of the people against the Union either don’t understand or would prefer to work in an environment where “Butt Kissing” & “Who You Know” dictates who gets promoted, who gets a special assignment and so on.
    Don’t use Broward SO or GM as an example. The members decided not to make consessions and allow their Brothers & Sisters to be laid-off. If the UNION OF PEOPLE is comprised of selfish people then these types of negative things happen. It would have been very easy for every member to take a 5% pay cut and no one would have been laid off. Broward has been eating up smaller agencies like a fat kid in a bakery shop and unfortunately became too large to sustain itself. The agencies they took over were almost bankrupt so Broward absorbed the financial problems to a certain extent.

    Only a very small part of a collective bargaining agreement is about money, the rest is fair procedures and Due Process for all.

    Collier and Lee can bring in FOP. A local would be formed and only members form that agency could become members. The Deputies from that particular agency make all the decision. YOU ARE THE UNION! So if the Union Sucks it’s because you Suck. If the Union is out of control it’s because YOU are out of control. A President and Executive Board will be voted in from members of your own agency, no outsiders.

    Don’t even think about money, forget any increases in Budget! Look toward fair treatment, after all, without a contract, if there are lay-offs, they don’t have to go by seniority! It should be last hired first fired or look for early buy-outs for senior members who are close to retirement.

    With the FOP it will cost $25.00 a month. You will have labor attorneys at your disposal as well as years of experience dealing with labor issues. Promotions are one major issue, cut out the Brown Nose promotions and special duty assignments. Everyone should have even access. If you go through a promotional process and you are number one on the list, then you’re the first promoted. Similar for interviews associated with FTO’s and other specialty units. None of this takes one dime out of the Sheriff’s Budget! How about a fair and equitable grievance process that ensures Deputies won’t have their Jackets stuffed like a Thanksgiving Turkey? A specific procedure to ensure injured or seriously ill Deputies can receive donated sick time from other members, deposited in ratio to rate of pay.

    This type of discussion separates the honest Deputies from the Brown Nosers and illustrates people’s real motivations. If you don’t want to raise taxes or pay scales, DON”T, but the lion share of the contract will ensure fairness and a level playing field for everyone.

    So let’s take a count, who’s for a level playing field that will not increase the Sheriff’s budget one cent?????

  2. #42

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest

    All the BS stated after ur post most likey came from lazy Lt/commander types or suck ups that work day shift and have not done police work for years. u know the retired in palace guys.
    Oh, how right you are! I'm laying around all day sucking up, making big bucks and not going anywhere for years to come just so I can keep your whiney azz right where you belong! :lol:

  3. #43
    Senior Member
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    Collier County, FL

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    This type of discussion separates the honest Deputies from the Brown Nosers and illustrates people’s real motivations.
    Diesel, I can see by your posts that you are probably a very intelligent person but you shouldn't assume that your target audience is not. The above statement provides some good insight into how this type of organization feeds on our desire to fit in among our supposed peers or "be a good cop." So what you're telling me is that if I'm not to agree with the need for a union that, now these are your words, I'm not an honest deputy and probably a brown nosers!? Does this tactic work for you, really? If your intent is to win support for your cause I'm willing to bet this type of insult is not going to have honest, hard working LEO's beating down your door to sign up. That statement really got the wheels turning; are you only looking for a certain type of cop? A not so good cop, maybe? One that might stretch his agencies policies to the limits and would need an internal organization to back him when he's standing on a chopping block time and time again?

    How about we just skip over inviting that kind of behavior into the CCSO, screen our applicants properly, expect a high moral and ethical standard, have accountability, and....ohh wait,...we already do ALL these things and very well actually.

    Like I said my friend, we like things just the way they are here. MY MORALITY IS NOT FOR SALE

  4. #44
    Senior Member
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    Collier County

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Nice try, diesel. It is only business when an agency decides that older members who make a lot of money per hour are asked to leave voluntarily and given a severance package (oh yeah, we did that, but some of the deadwood didn't take it). It makes perfect sense to hire somebody new and pay them $20 per hour compared to somebody who has been here more than 20 years and makes about $40 or more per hour straight time. I have no intention of taking a pay cut to "prevent" anyone from being laid off. I earn what I make and it is the bean counters responsibility to limit spending and allow for proper salary distribution. You seem to be that union type of guy who will defend the deputy who gets caught stealing from traffic violators just because he had a union card. You would defend the guy with kiddie porn on his computer because he had a union card. You would defend the guy who slept with CI's and tipped off businesses before they get raided because he had a union card. FU and all the other union types!! They deserve what they got and I don't give two shit$ whether they were cops or not, they were guilty and they have to face the consequences of their actions.

  5. #45
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    Naples, Florida

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    I went over to the Palm Beach message board and checked it out. It seems as though his own "Brothers" are also tired of his rants. There is a thread titled "Diesel is an idot" and another posted by Paparazi Leo.

    It is amazing how even through anonymous posting you can still figure out who the knuckle heads are. I guess every agency has them but it sucks when you have to deal with someone else's problem child.

    I have an idea... maybe we should hook Diesel up with Angelangel. Then they could have one screen name and post as a couple. They could call themselves...Heavenly Soot! :snicker:

  6. #46
    Senior Member
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    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Paparazzi LEO is from the Collier board. And of course there will people who disagree with me, I respect everyone’s opinion. I just refuse to believe that Florida is the kind of state where the LEP’s are out for themselves and don’t care about the rest of the profession.

    I don’t believe in keeping thieves or people who don’t have what it takes to be in our profession. I am solely interested in banding together as Law Enforcement Professionals and looking out for each other.

    Without us, no matter what agency, criminals will rule the community. But this job takes its toll on us, especially the ones who really give 100% everyday. If you are the type of LEP who works hard, you are probably the one who gets some complaints. I’m not looking to protect the lazy “Do Nothing” people who suck the agency dry of precious recourses; I’m talking about that part of every agency that push it to the max every day. These people need the bulk of the protection because they’re doing the majority of the work.

  7. #47

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    The Collier Sheriff LOVES the idea of unions. Big supporter of them, especially in the city when he worked there.
    Takes a lot of heat off of him.
    Keep that in mind Diesel and other pro-unionistas.

  8. #48

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Quote Originally Posted by guest676
    The Collier Sheriff LOVES the idea of unions. Big supporter of them, especially in the city when he worked there.
    Takes a lot of heat off of him.
    Keep that in mind Diesel and other pro-unionistas.

    Uh oh! That means we have what...6 pro-union now.

    Don't know that the Sheriff can vote but if he can, it's one vote. Not gonna help much.

  9. #49

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    It is so funny to see the post in this forum. For those of you that have no experience with an association you are really missing out. It is not about saving jobs when someone steps on it. It is about good faith contracts and retirement. We all want to have medical coverage when we retire. 15 years from now there is no gurantee it will be there unless a good faith contract is put into place. The association is about cost of living increases and pay increases, not decreases. I could go on but to keep it from being confused, I will stop there.

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