Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options - Page 3
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  1. #21

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Somebody lost their milk money.

  2. #22

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    So the pro-union crybabies are flexing their tiny muscles again? Too funny! Do they not recall being soundly voted down here not long ago? And things were worse then. It'll never happen here. The few power hungry unionites will never see the light because they live in the darkness of their fantasies.

  3. #23

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Why are we even wasting time discussing a LEE COUNTY PROBLEM?

    Were not up for a vote, we won't be up for a vote and it distracts us from our usual business of bashing each other and in-fighting.

  4. #24
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Paparazzi LEO,
    If there was ever a visual definition of a Rook you’re it. To the rest of the seasoned LEO’s viewing this board, my posts were obvious BAIT. I dangled the plastic worm and you couldn’t help jumping from the swamp cabbage and taking a big bite. Now here comes the lesson:

    You clearly identified the PBA.
    You even identified PBA as a Union.
    You clearly identified your knowledge that I am a cop.
    You acknowledged that I don’t know who you are, so in reality, you could be anyone.
    You let me know that if I hand you union information (propaganda crap) you would shove it up my love hole and slap it out of my hand.
    You went as far as saying that I’ve been WARNED!
    You even stated that if I do so in Collier County, you will issue me a Trespass Warning.

    The lesson continues . . . . . . . . .

    You threatened a person, you acknowledged, who is a Law Enforcement Officer and predicated that threat if I conduct a legal constitutionally protected practice of handing out collective bargaining information pamphlets. You even added that you would use your Official Office to issue a Trespass Warning if I enter Collier County to do so.

    Here comes the closer . . . . . . . .

    You used the internet to facilitate your illegal threat which was intended to obstruct a constitutionally protected practice which is governed by Federal Law.

    This is one of the stupidest things you could have done. Since either Collier or Palm Beach now have the right to subpoena the ULR information from LEO Affairs and investigate the incident. Not for me, necessarily, but for any Union Representative who may enter Collier County.

    I’d venture to say that you have made many arrests for “Contempt of Cop”. Then there’s the best interest of the local Public Defenders Office with respect to Brady v. Maryland. Now if I was a Rookie Hot Head like you, I’d take the post that I grabbed off this message board and send it to the Florida Attorney General’s Office for an investigation. Or maybe send the message to Internal Affairs along with a complaint form and the name of the reporter I forwarded it to. But I won’t do that because I’m not a reactionary LEO, like you, and I’ve learned to tolerate Rookies, like you. I just bet you’re the jewel of the Collier County Sheriff’s Office.

    To make matters worse, you chose not to change your diaper, and instead placed a message on the Palm Beach message board, where you cried like a child because my posts were too much for you to deal with. This is one of those pursuits that you should have called off, because you just crashed and it’s all on you.

    No more anonymity, your ID and computer location is now open season. I’m a Union Rep and now I may not be able to travel to Collier County until you are identified so I can avoid being attacked by you when I LEGALLY hand out union pamphlets. Of course if this ever happened, I would be forced to defend myself, within the legal limits of the law, and you will end up being medically cleared before I book you into your own jail.

    Be careful, that cigarette just fell out of your mouth and might start a fire!

    Here Endith The Lesson!

  5. #25
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Sergeant
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Naples, Florida

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    OK you two (Diesel & Paparazzi Leo)… TIME OUT!

    No laws have been broken because you two do not know each other. Even if you thought you knew each other you would have a very hard time proving that it was that person who actually typed their message and posted it. Based on this the elements of a crime (FSS 784.011) have not taken place, therefore, LeoAffairs will not be compelled to give up any I.P. addresses. Please do not infer what this website will or will not do.

    So both of you take a Chill Pill and relax.

    You both are registered users so if you want to continue this “discussion” then please use the “Private Message” feature and speak directly to one another. If you choose not to do this and continue on with your tit for tat then I will exercise my moderator rights to ensure that the tone of the discussion and this board remains professional.

    Now please play nice in the sand box.

    Thank you,

    Mod 167

  6. #26
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    MOD it’s real simple. I have not made one threat or on malicious insult. This guy has brought people's mother into the conversation, he called the wast coast officers Pu$$ies, accused us of being afraid of doing our job. Look at my posts on all boards. I don’t use foul language nor do I insult another LEO’s family. This guy has crossed the line several times because he can’t take the heat from a person who has a command of the English language.
    Even after he threatened me, broke the law, compromised the anonymity or the board and talked about my mother, I still kept my cool and never dipped below the line. He is a Rookie who can’t control his emotions or his mouth. He is a “Keyboard Commando” who needs some more time in the FTO program.
    He can’t keep up in an intelligent conversation so he resorts to threats and foul language…………

  7. #27

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Mod 167, I would like this conversation to continue without you amending or using your moderator rights to edit either of them. It seems like a very interesting conversation that they both have and I enjoy reading about it. This is why this site was created. For people to talk candidly about how they feel about decisions and or topics that affect them without fear or reprisal. Thank you for your time.

  8. #28
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Sergeant
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Naples, Florida

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    They can discuss the union issue all they want. My statement was in reference to Diesel stating that laws had been broken and that this site would release I.P. addresses.

    No laws have been broken and the “Threats” that Diesel is referring to are hollow at best. Diesel is not in a position to say when this web site will or will not release I.P. addresses; that would be up to a judge to decide.

    My post was advising them that if they can not stay on the subject and want to start threatening each other then do it with the PM feature. If they want to continue with the threats of law suits and such then I will moderate to keep the board civil.

    Nothing has changed; this is how it has always been handled.

    By the way, the moderator for Palm Beach County S.O. also posted a similar post on their board after Paparazzi Leo and Diesel got into it on that message board. So I am not the only moderator who saw a potential problem.

    Just trying to keep the peace…

    Mod 167

  9. #29

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    You're definitely not the same Mod. Things went on in here that were much more damaging than before. Your swiping comments about Dinda's physique was great evidence.

    Sorry. You're a different Mod.

  10. #30

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    The Mod is now in the day care business......

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