DIESEL is making your agency look bad
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Naples, Florida

    DIESEL is making your agency look bad

    Hello PBSO,

    Your boy DIESEL continues to come to the Collier S.O. board and is throwing his UNION Bull Crap down our throats... uninvited!

    One day he just showed up and started telling us how bad we have it at our agency because we chose not to unionize. It was our choice at the vote. We are fortunate to have a Sheriff and an administration who provides us with what we need; if that changes in the future then we may revisit the idea but that is not the case right now.

    We are a very happy organization but DIESEL seems to have made it his business to bring the PBA to our agency even if we do not want it.

    I understand that there may be agencies in this state who could benefit from the union and according to DIESEL your agency is one of them. I say good for you and I hope the PBA will continue to bring many positives to you and your agency.

    Our county only has a population of 300,000 folks. We only have about 400 sworn. We are not PBSO or come close to facing the same issues as your agency; one shoe does not fit all. Someone PLEASE call this BOY in. He is representing your agency and forcing views down our throats which only push our members away from the union based on his constant nagging tactics and opinions.

    Maybe one of you know who this cat is and if you do maybe you can say someting to him before he makes a mockery out of the PBA and PBSO.

    COPS need to stick together. Just because we are not part of a union does not mean we do not do the same job; we just happen to operate under a different set of politics but the job is still the same. Cops like DIESEL only seem to drive a wedge between cops; all in the name of "Representation".

    The way DIESEL makes it sound, if we are not union then we are somehow less of a cop...

  2. #2

    Re: DIESEL is making your agency look bad

    Freedom of Speech sux huh?

    You can always hire some Pinkertons and have them.... oh yeah wrong century.

  3. #3

    Re: DIESEL is making your agency look bad

    Collier County - thank you for letting us know there is someone from PBSO who is posting on your board. Please know this individual does not represent our agency nor do we all share the same opinions of he/she. Hopefully, if there is anyone who does know the identity of the poster, perhaps they will say something to get it to stop. Until then, please accept our apologies and stay safe.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Re: DIESEL is making your agency look bad

    Don't appologize to this two faced Rookie,

    Paparazzi LEO has referred to our agency as weak because we don’t chase every car that doesn’t stop. He has insulted our way of doing business and said that we’re a bunch of lazy union members who get paid for doing nothing. Take a moment to read some of his posts, this guy is a rookie who could think of nothing more than come to Palm Beach and cry like a little girl. He can’t take the heat so he cries like a baby “Please Make Him Stop – My Feelings Are Hurt”.
    Collier and Lee County are dealing with union issued and he is totally against it. He has referred to the PBA, as a whole, with contempt and lies. These are some of the phrases he used to refer to PB SO and it’s Deputies:

    “Palm Beach County is a sess pool. You can have it, the crime and all of the BS that goes along with working for a large agency.”

    “So run along now and take your no pursuit policy, union (Don't want to do anything but I want to get paid top dollar) attitude somewhere else.”

    “But don't worry, if one of your criminals happens to flee from you and head this way you can rest assure that we will chase them, catch them and hold them in our jail for you; if you feel safe enough to make the trip over...”

    “How about finding another line of work because this is obviously not your cup of tea. If you want to be a liberal democrat, tree hugging, save the planet cop then be my guest but find some small department somewhere that will accomodate your style (Or lack there of).”

    “I use to live in a city that had such a policy and the police were disrespected, a laughing joke and crime ran rampant.”

    “Palm Beach Sheriff's message board. That would explain the tree huggin attitude towards law enforcement. You city deputies have become Pu$$ies.”

    “She said she was tired of all the soft guys on the east coast!”

  5. #5
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    Re: DIESEL is making your agency look bad

    Nice try Diesel, you took my words out of context.

    Half of what you posted was not intended towards PBSO but to the anonymous poster that was criticizing our pursuit policy (Gee, was that you?). When you stuck your nose in our agency business is when I posted information directed at YOU; not PBSO as a whole. I challenged your liberal ideas about law enforcement not your agency policies. But that’s ok; every agency has someone like you that they have to deal with…

    Bottom line is that our agency is NOT looking to unionize, it is Lee county Florida but you chose to come to our board and spew your crap criticizing our agency not only about not being in a union but also about our policies and officers. Take it elsewhere and by all means post on the Lee County message board about the union but leave Collier out of it.

    As for your tyrant rant on our board accusing me of being a rookie, breaking the law and God knows what ever else you felt compelled to act out about (I stopped reading after the 1st paragraph), you drew first blood so if you insist on snooping around other peoples houses then don’t get your panties in a wad when someone challenges you when you are standing in their yard.

    To the rest of PBSO, thank you for your professionalism and good luck dealing with Diesel. I would invite him to work at our agency to make it "better" (since he thinks we have it so bad) but we have our own share of Diesel Exhaust that we have to deal with.

    Stay safe!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Talking Re: DIESEL is making your agency look bad


    MOD 582 Writes: Diesel, Paparazzi LEO? Does the rest of this forum audience have to be apart of your thread posting war? I think not. Send each other private messages if you need to, however, I'm asking you both to keep each forum separate.

    Let's be careful out there.


  7. #7
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Sergeant
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    Naples, Florida

    Re: DIESEL is making your agency look bad

    Mod 582,

    I just posted a similar message on the Collier board so we are on the same page.

    I also just sent you a PM.

    Mod 167

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: DIESEL is making your agency look bad

    MOD it’s real simple. I have not made one threat or one malicious insult. This guy has brought people's mothers into the conversation, he called the west coast officers Pu$$ies, accused us of being afraid of doing our job. Look at my posts on all boards. I don’t use foul language nor do I insult another LEO’s family. This guy had crossed the line several times because he can’t take the heat from a person who has a command of the English language.
    Even after he threatened me, broke the law, compromised the anonymity or the board and talked about my mother, I still kept my cool and never dipped below the line. He is a Rookie who can’t control his emotions or his mouth. He is a “Keyboard Commando” who needs some more time in the FTO program.
    He can’t keep up in an intelligent conversation so he resorts to threats and foul language…………

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: DIESEL is making your agency look bad

    Paparazzi LE Pretender,
    Did you actually use the term, “YOU DREW FIRST BLOOD”? So I guess the entire Rambo series is on the shelf next to “The Shield” and “Swat”. I’d be willing to bet you listen to the radio when your home?
    I haven’t seen such a grand attempt at the back-stoke since the Olympics. Be a man and stand by your posts. I don’t apologize for one post I’ve made and I don’t make excuses. Like I said, you should have broken off this pursuit a long time ago. You don’t have what it takes to match up with me. You’re too emotional and talk before you think, that’s why you have to make claims like “THAT STUFF WAS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT”. You sound like Sarah Palin after every interview she ever gave. Let me ask you…..
    Can you see Alaska from your house?
    When you brought my mother into the conversation, was that taken out of context? You are immature and lack self control. Please, jump on a couple of other boards and justify this:
    “By the way, about my photo, your mom thought i looked good when she responded to my add. She said she was tired of all the soft guys on the east coast!”
    Tell me how this was taken out of Context? No matter how much you annoy me or how much I disagree with your twisted and distorted views, I would never make a reference to your mother in such a way. You should be ashamed of yourself.
    I just received a call from Collier, I know who you are. Turns out you were so impressed with that photo you posted you just couldn’t keep your mouth shut; you just had to tell someone. Turns out I was pulling case numbers before you got your learner’s permit to drive. Just like I thought, ROOKIE. You are your own worst enemy; you just can’t keep a secret. Kind of like some of the MOD’s who were removed because they just couldn’t help but tell someone.


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