Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Good luck getting 15% to vote for one and you need 30% to go forward with your "dream"

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2008

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    What’s the starting salary for a Deputy in Lee County with 5 years experience?
    Do you get Time & ½ over 40 hours?
    Do you get a minimum of 3 hours OT for court even under circumstances when the court appearance is only 1&1/2 hour before your shift?
    Do you get paid holidays even if your RDO is on the Holiday?
    Do you have guaranteed raises every year?
    Do you have guaranteed COLA raises each year?
    Are you guaranteed your overtime pay even if you take vacation during the pay period?
    Do you have a Career Deputy plan that tops you out at nearly 100k a year, without taking rank?
    Do your FTO’s get an additional 10% salary increase whether they train or not?
    Do you have the lowest insurance and dental rates in the state? And does your medical insurance have no yearly cap?
    Do you have a structured promotional process that guarantees no discrimination and everyone has an even chance?

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Collier County, FL

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    What’s the starting salary for a Deputy in Lee County with 5 years experience?
    Do you get Time & ½ over 40 hours?
    Do you get a minimum of 3 hours OT for court even under circumstances when the court appearance is only 1&1/2 hour before your shift?
    Do you get paid holidays even if your RDO is on the Holiday?
    Do you have guaranteed raises every year?
    Do you have guaranteed COLA raises each year?
    Are you guaranteed your overtime pay even if you take vacation during the pay period?
    Do you have a Career Deputy plan that tops you out at nearly 100k a year, without taking rank?
    Do your FTO’s get an additional 10% salary increase whether they train or not?
    Do you have the lowest insurance and dental rates in the state? And does your medical insurance have no yearly cap?
    Do you have a structured promotional process that guarantees no discrimination and everyone has an even chance?
    No, but I did save a crap load of money by switching to (insert copyrighted and annoying insurance company name here).

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Collier County

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Quote Originally Posted by Paparazzi LEO
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    I am without question 100% in favor of a union. We are in serious need of one.
    Where do I vote?
    To vote for the union go to 6075 Golden Gate Pky. Don't worry about the initials on the sign (DLC) it stands for the Democratic Liberal Center. They will welcome you with open arms.

    Remember your vote counts!
    Now that is funny!!

    Unions are for slackers who want to protect the other slackers from being terminated for cause. They want to protect a guy or gal simply because they are members of the union instead of looking at what policy violation or crime they committed. Again, unions have no power in the state of Florida, period. If you want to give part of your paycheck away, why don't you donate that money to a worthy charity instead of lining the pockets of the phony helpers at the union? We have it pretty good here in case you haven't figured it out yet. The grass is always greener over the septic tank.

  5. #15

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    What’s the starting salary for a Deputy in Lee County with 5 years experience?
    Do you get Time & ½ over 40 hours?
    Do you get a minimum of 3 hours OT for court even under circumstances when the court appearance is only 1&1/2 hour before your shift?
    Do you get paid holidays even if your RDO is on the Holiday?
    Do you have guaranteed raises every year?
    Do you have guaranteed COLA raises each year?
    Are you guaranteed your overtime pay even if you take vacation during the pay period?
    Do you have a Career Deputy plan that tops you out at nearly 100k a year, without taking rank?
    Do your FTO’s get an additional 10% salary increase whether they train or not?
    Do you have the lowest insurance and dental rates in the state? And does your medical insurance have no yearly cap?
    Do you have a structured promotional process that guarantees no discrimination and everyone has an even chance?
    Sounds like you want a lot for doing noting.

  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    Naples, Florida

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Hey Diesel,

    You seem to forget that this is not the Lee County Message board. We already had a vote about the union and it was an over whelming NO THANKS!

    You should be posting your propaganda on their board, not ours.

    Oh and by the way you should not talk smack about Collier, Lee and Hendry counties on your message board. It does not look good for you when you talk up the "Brotherhood" and then refer to us like we are a bunch of hicks who have it so bad!

    Palm Beach County is a sess pool. You can have it, the crime and all of the BS that goes along with working for a large agency.

    So run along now and take your no pursuit policy, union (Don't want to do anything but I want to get paid top dollar) attitude some where else. But don't worry, if one of your criminals happens to flee from you and head this way you can rest assure that we will chase them, catch them and hold them in our jail for you; if you feel safe enough to make the trip over...

  7. #17

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    What’s the starting salary for a Deputy in Lee County with 5 years experience?
    Do you get Time & ½ over 40 hours?
    Do you get a minimum of 3 hours OT for court even under circumstances when the court appearance is only 1&1/2 hour before your shift?
    Do you get paid holidays even if your RDO is on the Holiday?
    Do you have guaranteed raises every year?
    Do you have guaranteed COLA raises each year?
    Are you guaranteed your overtime pay even if you take vacation during the pay period?
    Do you have a Career Deputy plan that tops you out at nearly 100k a year, without taking rank?
    Do your FTO’s get an additional 10% salary increase whether they train or not?
    Do you have the lowest insurance and dental rates in the state? And does your medical insurance have no yearly cap?
    Do you have a structured promotional process that guarantees no discrimination and everyone has an even chance?
    Well for Collier (union free)

    Do you have the lowest insurance and dental rates in the state? And does your medical insurance have no yearly cap? Actually...yes...for a single deputy, its free! and there is a cap. Look Ma, no Union!

    Do you have a structured promotional process that guarantees no discrimination and everyone has an even chance?[/quote]: hahahaha yeah, i'm sure thats what you have.

    Do you have guaranteed raises every year?
    Do you have guaranteed COLA raises each year?
    I'de put our raises over the last 5 years up against anyone in the state. Multiple 3% per year plus your annual 3%, etc. So, yeah.

    Do you get a minimum of 3 hours OT for court even under circumstances when the court appearance is only 1&1/2 hour before your shift? no, why should you get paid for work your not doing? Oh yeah, union..forgot, sorry

    Plus the take home cars and the fact that I don't pay $75/month for a useless Union.

    What I don't understand about Union guys is "what do you care?" In other words, why are you so concerned about whether another department is unionized. Collier is a non-charter county which means that the Sheriff asks the county for money and they give it to him...he spends it how he chooses as a constitutional officer. The union can negotiate whatever pay increases it wants with the Sheriff but if the county doesn't give the Sheriff enough $ to cover it, you don't get it and there is nothing you can do. This isn't a city where you can negotiate with the city and the city controls the funds (or some charter counties). we don't want a union.

  8. #18
    Senior Member
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    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    I don’t think Collier or Lee County are filled with Hicks, never said it. But you can’t beat collective bargaining. I got a 15% raise last year, not bad especially if you’re trying to raise a family. Collier County and Lee County are moving toward Collective bargaining, real collective bargaining, and nothing can stop it. There are so many of your former Deputies working on the east coast and loving it.
    I understand that the western counties are not that large and are rural, there’s nothing wrong with that, but as the population grows, the citizens will expect more from their Law Enforcement agencies.
    As for a constitutional agency, you need to research that a little further. The Sheriff has the right to negotiate and the county will pay the bill. As for the “Non Charter” comment, you need to stop getting your information from wikapedia. Collier and Lee have elected sheriffs, just like Palm Beach and Broward. Same rules, same Florida Constitution, only different perspective on administrative responsibilities.
    The change has already started and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Very simple, the more wealthy citizens you have in Collier and Lee, the more they will push to catch up with Palm Beach. They have the money, they have the ears of the politicians and that’s the way it works.
    Just embrace the change, it’s for the positive, increase your defined benefits packages and raise your pay scale to an industry level. Most people who oppose the Unions are those who kiss ass and get ahead by Brown-Nosing and diming out their brothers and sisters.

  9. #19
    Senior Member
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    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options

    You are obviously a person of limited years in the profession. I bet you have the Shield on DVD and the two-disc special edition of SWAT on your movie shelf at home.
    As for your vote in Collier, another is coming, I know, I’m helping organizing the process as you write. Similar to what we’re doing in Lee County.
    Everyone can benefit from a level playing field with a set of regulations that everyone is required to play by. After all, how many SOP’s do you have to regulate Deputy Conduct? How about some contract rules to regulate the administrations conduct?
    Collier County is small, what do you have, three agencies over there? But just because Collier is small that is not an excuse for Men and Woman to work under uncertain conditions. Collier is still a part of Florida and what goes on over there affects everyone else in the state.
    I’ve been paying attention to your posts as well. You are immature and have a lot to learn. And once again, take that stupid photo down! It’s hard to take anyone seriously who uses a Metro sexual cartoon in a post.
    The future is coming, Collier will have to enter the 21st Century one day, and that day is coming soon and there is no way of stopping it. This is completely out of your control.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Naples, Florida

    Re: Lee Sheriff's deputies exploring union options


    You are an A$$ who likes to stick your nose in other peoples business. You have no clue what you are talking about. I am not going to debate you on the internet because it is like running in the special olympics.

    The PBA is a joke. Any union in Florida is a joke; ask Hillsborough why they dropped the PBA!

    We do not want a union, do not need a union byt more so, we do not need some blow hard wanna be cop from the east coast trying to tell us what we need.

    You may not know who I am but I can assure you of this: If you bring your union crap to me, in my face, I will shove it up your love hole so far that your boyfriend will think you have been cheating on him again! I am serious, you will know who I am after I slap that propaganda out of your hand so you have been warned. DO NOT approach me on or off duty... I do not want to be bothered. If I want information from the union, I will ask for it but don't hold your breath you friggin LOSER!

    If I seem angry I am. I am sick and tired of all you self entitlement lazy cops who think everyone OWES you something.

    You give cops a bad name and bad reputation... You come to Collier and I will issue you a trespass warning! :evil:

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