Congratulations - Page 8
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Thread: Congratulations

  1. #71

    Re: Congratulations

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    It is a shame everyone was willing to degrade MH when she got promoted but then not offer any feedback about the upcoming Lt and Sgt promotions.


  2. #72

    Re: Congratulations

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    It is a shame everyone was willing to degrade MH when she got promoted but then not offer any feedback about the upcoming Lt and Sgt promotions.

    Another "Maimonite" has spoken.

  3. #73

    Re: Congratulations

    I wasn't bashing the military! I think you should read the post again. I personally think every member of the armed forces that I come into contact with. I hate to break this to you, but the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office is not the military. If you want to be promoted based on your military service, you should have stayed in the military. If someone developed good leadership skills in the military and they exhibit good leadership skills with the sheriff's office then they should be promoted based on their leadership abilities at the sheriff's office. Just because someone was in the military does not mean that they are a better leader or officer than someone who did not serve. I can name several officers at this agency who served in the military who are awesome. I can name just as many prior military who are slackers and the same goes for non military. Judging by your post you think PB and RD should have been promoted over NH. Escambia's Unit 1 was a career military guy and he seems to exhibit superior leadership skills huh. Same with Charlie Morris. Again, I appreciate everyone who ever served in the military, but this is civillian law enforcement and prior military service should not be a factor in promotions

    It always takes a punk like you to put your foot in it. Sounds to me that your bashing military leadership and experience. What would a coward like you know about being in the military or serving anything other than themselves? Maybe some of those military "slackers" have a little life experience. Maybe they learned not to sweat the small stuff? Maybe they learned to be lazy at SRSO? It is for sure that a punk like you has no knowledge of what it is to be in the military or be a military supervisor and leader. Just crawl back into your hole and shut up about things you have no knowledge of. Most all members of the military have had some type of in-residence supervisory schools, many with around 6 months. Why should military experience not be a factor? What kind of leadership skills are available for those not supervisors at SRSO? Dont say FTO--Thats a paid position with most only doing it for the money. You are right--military law enforcement is not the same as civilian. In military law enforcement you have to know and enforce the UCMJ, local and state law, US Code as well as understand complex jurisdictions set forth by the US Congress and President of the United States. But since a punk like you knows so much, I guess that you already knew that.

  4. #74

    Re: Congratulations

    Any word if the admin made any decisions?

  5. #75

    Re: Congratulations

    Nothing yet. The word is JS was called and was offered promotion again. Don't know if he accepted it. They must not have dismissed him from the top 5. I don't understand how they went al out for him and then after her turned down a promotion turn around and offer it again. Now the word is they may promote two to Lt replace the slot vacated by Capt. Floyd and a second to work the road, and if they do then two may be selected as sgts. We can only hope the admin doesn't screw around and drop the ball on us.

  6. #76

    Re: Congratulations

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest

    The above link gave the admin the idea on the recent promotion.
    That is exactly what the admin looked at when they decided on the 3 promotions. Lowered Expectations. All 3 fity the bill.

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