District One is a Mess - Page 6
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  1. #51

    Re: District One is a Mess

    Welcome aboard Just a Cop, we need more like you. Been here a long long time and it's nice to hear experienced cops speak! Be safe!

  2. #52
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: District One is a Mess

    Cosmo, a nickname from the past when we all had fun and took back the Northend streets which had become over-run with dopers on every corner. You think its bad now haaa you shoulda been around when the crack turf war was going on. Worked one 56 day midnight shift and wrote three homicides. Homicide Sgt. Bill Davis started saying the common link in the cases was me being at them and they were starting to look at that angle lol gotta clear cases people.....heat.
    Rotating shifts and no bid.
    I remember when Sgt. Docobo went to all the rollcalls to explain the 12hr shift and we voted on that and the bid system. We were only two districts with sister squads between D3 and D2.
    I remember how Sgts with a clue put together great squads and would have their trusted guys approach like-minded cops to bid to their squad. Those who have been here awhile understand thats exactly whats going on now. If your a smart supervisor and really want to do the job and don't mind some paper or blue team its called now and want to have a good time doing it then your recruiting. Some of you have been spoken to I'm sure.
    Our mission is to enforce the Law that ain't happening sitting under a tree. You can be Reactive or you can be Proactive. Believe me from the early Street Crimes and SEU Days--Proactive is a lot more fun and effective. I like the ILP concept it has potential, if its worked right. Targeting career criminals is definitely a good step. Follow um long enough they will committ a crime just gotta be there to catch them.
    We had fun with like minded Cops that didn't allow disrespect of the Badge or the Hillsborough Patch. We had nicknames and talked on CB radios you trusted few other than your squad mates, who the hell else had Mon/Tue off for 56 days and worked Wed through Sun, 8.4 a day and 42 a week. Hey we did get Sat/Sun off every 6 months hahaha. In-service was a whole week folks, 42 hours.
    I remember chasing Samberg on the 34th street academy driving pad knocking down as many cones as we could possibly hit ,on purpose, and then having to pick every last one up per Sgt. Big Daddy Rabbit, for those that remember when we went to the academy with TPD. But hell it was freaking fun no matter how much he yelled and cursed at us.
    I guess we have cell phones and text messages now, not a bad thing but I don't know about that same trust factor anymore that tight knit mesh is harder to find.
    Oh well times they are a changing and nothing remains the same.
    Folks the only one who truly has your back is the guy that you know will run balls to the walls to help you no matter what and the supervisor that will back you up for trying to do the job which sometimes is forgotten in all the mess...catch bad guys, thats what it boils down to . And its up to you to figure out who that is.
    Choose wisely.
    I age myself with my post and will be ridiculed for its corniness but if you know me then you know I don't care !!
    I still have fun and look forward to coming to work everyday. I live to get that track.
    Yeah your right I got the best partner you could ever ask for: No strings attached.
    Be Safe, Have Fun doing this Job and Hit the Ground Running every Day !

  3. #53

    Re: District One is a Mess

    Chris, I enjoyed reading your post and only have one addition/correction. Back then, and for awhile, we were working a 48 hour work week. We slimmed it down to 42 when the agency couldn't afford to give us a raise one year so they compensated by a reduction of hours! Remember? Stay safe my friend!

  4. #54
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: District One is a Mess

    We went from a 48 hour work week to 44 and then 42 to help bring up our hourly rate.

  5. #55
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: District One is a Mess

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Grecco
    Cosmo, a nickname from the past when we all had fun and took back the Northend streets which had become over-run with dopers on every corner.
    . ...

    I still have fun and look forward to coming to work everyday. I live to get that track.
    Yeah your right I got the best partner you could ever ask for: No strings attached.
    Be Safe, Have Fun doing this Job and Hit the Ground Running every Day !
    Great post, Chris. My time extends far back beyond yours, but the spirit back then was the same. Nicknames abounded........ Square Man, Zip-A-Dee, and others. One deputy's real name was never spoken, but sounds like a nickname: Sweet Edward.

    Our work lives and our personal lives were often closely intertwined, socializing more often with each others families that with outsiders.

    We worked a 48 hour work week, not counting the unpaid overtime for going to Criminal Court (for Drunk cases, etc.) on Monday and Traffic Court on Wednesdays. Yes, unpaid, and with no comp time off either.

    Add to that the fact that there were times that I would get off duty at midnight and get into a midnight man's patrol car and ride along for a couple of hours just for a chance to visit for a while. Of course you can't do that now because of the Fair Labor Standards Act which prevents you from "giving volunteer hours" to your employer. Too bad.

    Keep up the good work, Chris --- and enjoy!


  6. #56

    Re: District One is a Mess

    [quote=Carl Shawver]
    Quote Originally Posted by "Chris Grecco":1wweigu0
    Cosmo, a nickname from the past when we all had fun and took back the Northend streets which had become over-run with dopers on every corner.
    . ...

    I still have fun and look forward to coming to work everyday. I live to get that track.
    Yeah your right I got the best partner you could ever ask for: No strings attached.
    Be Safe, Have Fun doing this Job and Hit the Ground Running every Day !
    Great post, Chris. My time extends far back beyond yours, but the spirit back then was the same. Nicknames abounded........ Square Man, Zip-A-Dee, and others. One deputy's real name was never spoken, but sounds like a nickname: Sweet Edward.

    Our work lives and our personal lives were often closely intertwined, socializing more often with each others families that with outsiders.

    We worked a 48 hour work week, not counting the unpaid overtime for going to Criminal Court (for Drunk cases, etc.) on Monday and Traffic Court on Wednesdays. Yes, unpaid, and with no comp time off either.

    Add to that the fact that there were times that I would get off duty at midnight and get into a midnight man's patrol car and ride along for a couple of hours just for a chance to visit for a while. Of course you can't do that now because of the Fair Labor Standards Act which prevents you from "giving volunteer hours" to your employer. Too bad.

    Keep up the good work, Chris --- and enjoy!


    Oh my god! will you just go away!

    i dont know whats worse the old timers that wont go away or the damn yankees that want to tell me how they did it in new york.

    I'm really proud of your 48 hour work week! Okay is that enough? Now go away for god sakes!

  7. #57

    Re: District One is a Mess

    What is worse, moron, is the new people that think they know everything and never listen to experienced deputies. I love all the young guys tripping all over themselves to get supervisor attention, hoping for recognition and promotion. The two don't always go hand in hand. Ask the ILP guy that gave his knowledge, expertise, and time to a program and then got stabbed in the back. After you work hard and kick a$$ for a few years and don't get the promotion (i.e. power) you desire you will know what us "old timers" were talking about. It is the worst kind of foolishness to not even know how ignorant you are. Hang that little degree on the wall and keep telling yourself how smart you are. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! :roll:

  8. #58
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: District One is a Mess

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl Shawver
    Quote Originally Posted by "Chris Grecco":3vnfmgl8
    Cosmo, a nickname from the past when we all had fun and took back the Northend streets which had become over-run with dopers on every corner.
    . ...

    I still have fun and look forward to coming to work everyday. I live to get that track.
    Yeah your right I got the best partner you could ever ask for: No strings attached.
    Be Safe, Have Fun doing this Job and Hit the Ground Running every Day !
    Great post, Chris. My time extends far back beyond yours, but the spirit back then was the same. Nicknames abounded........ Square Man, Zip-A-Dee, and others. One deputy's real name was never spoken, but sounds like a nickname: Sweet Edward.

    Our work lives and our personal lives were often closely intertwined, socializing more often with each others families that with outsiders.

    We worked a 48 hour work week, not counting the unpaid overtime for going to Criminal Court (for Drunk cases, etc.) on Monday and Traffic Court on Wednesdays. Yes, unpaid, and with no comp time off either.

    Add to that the fact that there were times that I would get off duty at midnight and get into a midnight man's patrol car and ride along for a couple of hours just for a chance to visit for a while. Of course you can't do that now because of the Fair Labor Standards Act which prevents you from "giving volunteer hours" to your employer. Too bad.

    Keep up the good work, Chris --- and enjoy!


    Oh my god! will you just go away!

    i dont know whats worse the old timers that wont go away or the darn yankees that want to tell me how they did it in new york.

    I'm really proud of your 48 hour work week! Okay is that enough? Now go away for god sakes![/quote:3vnfmgl8]

    You say just go away? No.

    You ask what's worse? It's neither old timers nor Yankees --- it's disrespectful anonymous posters. :snicker:

    You say 48 hour work week? Work on your math: that was before adding in court time. The benefits you enjoy are based upon improving the working conditions that I endured before you were born.

    Here's a news flash for you: this forum is open to all - including the "old timers," and even civilians and people who have never worked for the office. If this bothers you, go to the LEOs Only site, provide your real name and register, and spend your time over there. Alternatively, just suffer through the posts of the folks you don't like.

    And here's a proposal for you: call me and meet me for lunch - I'll buy. You might find a little history about the office will be interesting. You can get my phone number from the Aviation Unit, where I still give volunteer hours as a TFO.

    If you are one of those people who considers working for HCSO just a job then you don't understand me at all. HCSO is part of my identity. Before retiring from HCSO I retired from 20 years as a fed, but when someone asks me about my past I usually identify myself as a retired deputy.

    No.......... I won't "just go away."

    In the mean time - stay safe!

  9. #59

    Re: District One is a Mess

    No sir I dont need you lunch or your history lesson. I know it all too well. if you insist on staying and enjoying your golden years looking back on the legacy you left behind at HCSO, let me just give you a reality check.

    HCSO is now grossly understaffed as a result of the leaders of your generations inability to change with the times. You guys sat around wafting farts in each others faces talking about the good ole days while the population of this county exploded around you and you did nothing about it.

    HCSO is thirty years behind in technology. While members of your generation where so impressed with those nifty green screens in the cars. They refused to understand that while yes, we were the first to get them, others got them and continued to progress with the times instead of sitting on the back porch at D3 smoking cigarettes wafting farts in each others faces.

    HCSO training and policies are so outdated it is sad. Until recent years HCSO had a training SGT and a couple of civilians that ran all of the training for the entire agency. Other agencies of similar size and responsibility have had state of the art training divisions and fully staffed trainers for the past 20 years.

    No sir, I don't need to meet you for lunch and learn your history which incidentally includes the days of uneducated cops brutalizing citizens and suspects.

    So you just enjoy your retirement and I hope you sleep well at night remebering the "legacy" you left behind.

    I'm just fine being a member of the "new breed" I will tirelessly try and fix all of the mess you left me with, all the while trying to...

    Stay Safe.

  10. #60

    Re: District One is a Mess

    No sir I dont need you lunch or your history lesson. I know it all too well. if you insist on staying and enjoying your golden years looking back on the legacy you left behind at HCSO, let me just give you a reality check.
    HCSO is now grossly understaffed as a result of the leaders of your generations inability to change with the times. You guys sat around wafting farts in each others faces talking about the good ole days while the population of this county exploded around you and you did nothing about it.

    HCSO is thirty years behind in technology. While members of your generation where so impressed with those nifty green screens in the cars. They refused to understand that while yes, we were the first to get them, others got them and continued to progress with the times instead of sitting on the back porch at D3 smoking cigarettes wafting farts in each others faces.

    HCSO training and policies are so outdated it is sad. Until recent years HCSO had a training SGT and a couple of civilians that ran all of the training for the entire agency. Other agencies of similar size and responsibility have had state of the art training divisions and fully staffed trainers for the past 20 years.

    No sir, I don't need to meet you for lunch and learn your history which incidentally includes the days of uneducated cops brutalizing citizens and suspects.
    After that lengthy diatribe you need to go away, yourself, Chattahoochie might work for you. If you think that your rhetoric is impressing us you have got another thing coming. Better yet, take you "holier than thou" attitude and go join one of these oh so progessive agencies. You obviously have a problem with talking about flatus, another indicator that you need some intense time with the black couch.

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