Council/Chief public lovefest - Page 3
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  1. #21

    Re: Council/Chief public lovefest

    [quote=highly professional]
    Quote Originally Posted by "reality bites":sqr0845t
    Ms Wilson,

    What the chief refuses to admit is his reports on response time are doctored, and not actual time that the caller will see a police officer. The clock starts when the call is created, and stops when the first officers hits his 10-97 (arrived at call) button.

    That is where his story and report end, but here is the rest of the truth. A call goes out at say 22 Av N & 4 St. It is a two officer response call. One officer is at 9 Av N & 4 St, and his reponse time is 2 minutes. He/She hits 10-97. This stops the clock, and counting the time to build the call and sipatch it, plus the officers drive time, the "official" response time is about 4 minutes. The other responding officer is coming from say...62 Av N & Bayou Grande Blvd Ne. His response time is going to be more on the line of 8-10 minutes. He/She finally gets in the area, and then and ONLY then do the officers actually move to the call, because the first officer is in reality sitting a block away waiting for his/her back up to get in the area, as he should for officer safety reasons. So, the reported 3-4 minute response is actually 10-12 minutes.

    But, as Howard Troxler would so eloquently put it, even though it seemed like a lifetime for the caller, statistics prove we were really there much quicker that you thought. Moral of the story? Once again, all of the precious numbers can be made to say anything you want...That is why he is so in love with numbers, and not reality. Numbers do not tell real life stories!
    So you sit there 10 minutes waiting on your backup while you twiddle your thumbs while some pregnant lady is getting punched in the stomach??? What a hero.[/quote:sqr0845t]

    I'd rather be alive with my back-up then a dead hero!

  2. #22

    Re: Council/Chief public lovefest

    Yes H.P. we are supposed to wait for back up. In fact, your beloved administration, and all of your beloved idols (also known to actual police officers as supervisors) tell us day after day to wait for back up, and not move in by ourselves. By your own way of thinking, we must ollow orders from above. Not to mention the fact that to go in by yourself would be violating policy by placing yourself in harms way, which would be in DIRECT VIOLATION of his majesty the chief.

  3. #23

    Re: Council/Chief public lovefest

    However, H. P., if it was you calling and we knew it, we'd go in solo - just so there'd be fewer witnesses...

  4. #24

    Re: Council/Chief public lovefest

    HH, just because your boyfriend whupped your a$$ for catching you at your glory hole and we were a little slow getting there, don't blame us (the po-po) for your poor decisions, fella.

  5. #25

    Re: Council/Chief public lovefest

    You really have no clue as to what you are talking about. The department royalty repeatedly reminds us that we are NOT to go to a call without backup. Officers have been reprimanded for going in by themselves before backup arrives, or for cancelling backup. It is a liability issue that the city does not want.

    As far as sitting down the street playing solitaire, I'm not sure you have any clue as to our call volume. We go call to call to call. Where in the hell do you think we have time to play solitaire? If anything, I'd be down the street typing reports while waiting because the dept royalty doesn't like us to get OT either.

    While we aren't heroes, we do take our job seriously. But it is hard to do "the job" when the administration has more rules than normal (or in your case, abnormal) people realize. It's a catch 22 as we will be disciplined for violating the GO's, and will also be disciplined because the administration thinks we should have "violated the reg in this case". We can't read their minds, and they change the rules whenever it fits their cause.

  6. #26

    Reply to Reality Bites

    Hey there Reality,
    The reason we've been asking for a definitive answer on how response time is measured and to have access to the daily ready report is because citizens have noticed something is't quite adding up. There's a sometimes significant difference between the statistical response times the Chief quotes and the wait time for officer response experienced by the average citizen. After a few years of puzzlement, we figured it HAD to be the way response time is measured and/or there HAD to be something wrong with staffing levels - particularly on eves and mids.

    I'm not sure why it's thought to be a good idea to measure response time the way you've explained that it's done. It seems to me that the average citizen would get angry when they place a call for service and receive a 15 minute response instead of the 5 minutes they've been led to believe is the norm. Their anger would definitely color their perception of the department as a whole as well as their attitude with the responding officer(s)... and not for the better I'm guessing.

  7. #27

    Re: Council/Chief public lovefest

    Word has it that a St Pete Slimes reporter has been calling officers (current and former) to get input on the chief for an article they are writing. Possibly about the PBA too. Asking for any insight into the lack of morale, underhanded dealings, etc that goes on in the department. She called my wife's cell phone asking for me. I haven't called her back yet because I haven't talked to a rep yet.

    Wonder if they called you now who. Bet that would make an interesting story!

  8. #28

    Re: Council/Chief public lovefest

    She called my unlisted house number. I hung up when she wouldn't tell me how she got my number. Sounds like an SPPD set-up.

  9. #29

    Re: Council/Chief public lovefest

    If you have a subscription to the newspaper they have your phone number

  10. #30
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Sergeant
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Florida's Suncoast

    Re: SPPD Setup

    Check the number from where the call was made.
    Vet's know not to answer any "Restricted" phone calls .....
    We all know where that Call is coming from....
    Google the phone number !!!
    If you know their name
    check InterNet references.
    "Jeze" this is simple guys/gals.

    If you fear for your future
    Which SPPD has tried to induced since me retiring ~

    Tell whoever your talking to ~
    "This is off the record ... but...."

    You will get you opinion in ~ and leave some intrigue ~
    If if it IS a verified reporter they will DIG deeper

    Haven't anyone of you figured this out YET !
    SPPD tried to QUASH officers from speaking to NEWS Media many years ago.
    They blamed it on the officers, especially those without any experience dealing with the media.

    Truth be known ~ They have no control over PR about the incident
    if you speak ~ Admin doesn't want you speaking because it might infer.....
    They want time on their side to spin the incident the way they want.
    Believe Me ~
    I've had my share of PR for the Department
    with requests for my reports being changed to reflect a better Light.
    With letting "Where's Jockers" come into being.
    Does anyone know who was the FIRST PERSON to visit me
    after as an acting/sgt who gave the thumbs up to that activity ?

    Yours truly " Chumley" came down and told me in other certain words
    That I was going down for my actions ~ allowing such a pro active police activity !!!!
    That's Chuckles !
    Trouble is I still hold on to the original report for Maj Story

    I will not /did not ~~~~ sell my soul to the Company Store

    You can sweep the dirt under the rug
    but some one ~ some day ~ has to clear it out

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