Citizens call for Colonel's Resignation - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: Citizens call for Colonel's Resignation

    Careful dont offend the liberal left, they just might storm a church and beat up an old lady like in California when they didnt like the outcome of a FAIR election. You know the one, the one that elected the first black president that most of them voted for. So now they want to pick and choose which votes they liked and which votes they didnt like passing. Give me a break.

  2. #12

    Re: Citizens call for Colonel's Resignation

    Hey Guest,
    Are you really that ignorant? If either of them walked out, the story becomes about their agency. That is the worst thing you can do. I am sure you aren't aware how to stand by even when something isn't going well. They were asked to be there to be thanked. Why don't you look where the blame should be placed. It should be on the politician who turned it into a grand standing event for personal reasons. If I was either of them I would not walk out and drag their agency into the mess.
    I am pretty sure you don't know either of those men personally but I can tell you one of them isn't shy about standing up to politicians and did address the issue like it should have been, quickly and not in front of the media. Those agencies do not deserve to become the story. Focus you blame where it should be, on Blair!

  3. #13

    Re: Citizens call for Colonel's Resignation

    Coming from someone who supported Beckner, I have to tell you that the press conference was way out of line.
    Especially to have such high ranking officials standing next to him as he insinuates that the incoming commisioner has AIDS.
    Blair, you ought to be the one worried about a libel/slander lawsuit.
    I am just shocked that he had agencies standing there defending him as he TRIED to humiliate a really nice guy who has never acted anything but gracious to me and my family.
    Brian, you have ruined your chances of ever winning another office.
    Your career got flushed down the toilet just like I am going to do with your campaign fliers when I am done using them as toilet paper.
    You did embarss yourself Brian but even more, you also embarassed the agencies of those who stood next to you to lend credibility to you. Anyone who says otherwise, is out of touch with reality.
    I was shocked to say the least.

  4. #14
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Citizens call for Colonel's Resignation


    The Colonel, like the Fire Chief, was sandbagged by Blair --- it's that simple.

    Colonel Brown is NOT an embarrassment to the office. He is a cop's cop and expects good, aggressive policing. If that doesn't describe you then no wonder you don't like him.

    It was really funny when he became a Colonel and gave his secretary a traffic ticket he had written so she could process it. She didn't know how. Colonels didn't write traffic tickets before he came. (Of course, then-Chief Gee used to make traffic stops too, but his office was not in the Colonel's suite.)

    Back when he was a Major I used to see Greg Brown making traffic stops during lunch hour when I was out there for lunch.

    We aren't buddies and I haven't ever worked directly for him, nor am I under his chain of command in either of the two areas where I now sometimes do volunteer work, so there is no benefit to me in making this post. It's just based on my years of experience in the agency and seeing him in action.

    Fair is fair. I would be more than willing to work under his leadership because he leads by example.


  5. #15
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Citizens call for Colonel's Resignation

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    I am sure that this post is going to bring every tree hugging liberal out of the wood work. So please, go chase your rainbows and try not to cry. :devil:

    If you want to make a rainbow via, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet

    This world has enough hate without Brian Blair adding to it. Thankfully he is gone. I don't care if you're straight or gay. I do care if you're a decent person and Kevin Beckner is that!!

  6. #16

    Re: Citizens call for Colonel's Resignation


    Thank you for your post, I would not said it better. I have known the Colonel for a few years now and I will tell you that he is the best Colonel we have anywhere in our Office. For a long time, long before you and I worked together at OCB, Col Brown has being a key figure in passing policies and procedures in our Office, in obtaining equipment that now we are all able to use to keep us safe, and all to better help our troops and keep them safe.

    Colonel Brown will teach anyone including those who are posting here for his resignation how to be a Cop and also how to be Honest, Loyal and Dedicated to any goal he sets for himself and our Agency. With all the good changes and the many good talent leaving us, at H.C.S.O. we are lucky that we still have him over Patrol Services.

    Another poster reminded us a little about what we had there before Colonel Brown and there is no comparison what so ever, I also knew and worked under that Captain who later made Colonel. Let's leave Colonel Brown alone and let Mr. Blair and Becker fight it out themselves, they are grown men and let's also remember they are politicians who like attorneys will mess things up sooner or later.

  7. #17

    Re: Citizens call for Colonel's Resignation

    Hey Guest,
    How come I didn't see you carrying on some more about Colonel Brown being at Kevin Beckner's investiture today? Why aren't you posting how he shouldn't have been there? Should he resign or be fired for being at Kevin's investiture? Maybe you don't realize when someone sets them up. I did notice Chief Nesmith was not at the investiture. What is that about?

  8. #18

    Re: Citizens call for Colonel's Resignation

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Coming from someone who supported Beckner, I have to tell you that the press conference was way out of line.
    Especially to have such high ranking officials standing next to him as he insinuates that the incoming commisioner has AIDS.
    Blair, you ought to be the one worried about a libel/slander lawsuit.
    I am just shocked that he had agencies standing there defending him as he TRIED to humiliate a really nice guy who has never acted anything but gracious to me and my family.
    Brian, you have ruined your chances of ever winning another office.
    Your career got flushed down the toilet just like I am going to do with your campaign fliers when I am done using them as toilet paper.
    You did embarss yourself Brian but even more, you also embarassed the agencies of those who stood next to you to lend credibility to you. Anyone who says otherwise, is out of touch with reality.
    I was shocked to say the least.
    Thanks SGT! Glad you partner got elected?

  9. #19

    Re: Citizens call for Colonel's Resignation

    Rutro Shaggy that was just plain wrong. But funny.

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