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  1. #21

    Re: Impossible to Defend

    Yes, I would like to start a motorcycle club...."The hose yankers". It's a firefighters MC club. .. have to be a woman to be a member, don't have to be a firefighter. We'll have "FF MC" on the back of the vest so that you'll know that we are a firefighters MC.

  2. #22

    Re: Impossible to Defend

    Super Bowl 2004, Janet Jackson's "costume malfunction" made international news; that same half-time show featured the wearing of an American flag by performer Kid Rock. He later removed the flag poncho and hurled it over his head. Section 8d. reads, "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel." : Reuters

  3. #23
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Impossible to Defend

    The “Hose Yankers” and “Women have their place in a motorcycle club, they are for the comfort of the male members”, comments are way out of line. Do some of you even think before you open your mouths? I’d like to know if these negative and immature comments about woman apply to a Defender’s; Mother, Sister, Wife, or Daughter? Fortunately, I was raised properly and do not share these opinions.

    The issue of woman seems to keep popping up. I acknowledge that it is legal to establish a gender based club or Fraternal Organization. This issue seems to primarily come up with Fake LEMC’s because the particular club is more concerned with conforming to 1%er Standard, rather then live up to the oath taken as a Law Enforcement Officer. Real LEO’ don’t conform to 1%er Standards or Demands. This is why Fake LEMC’s with very few LEO Members, conform to 1% Guidelines and Demands. Hence the exclusion of woman, the use of patches and insignias that identify the particular Club as LE orientated and so on……..
    Simply, Real LEO’s do not fear 1%er, we do not fear anyone, and we do not conform to unprofessional practices or guidelines. Unfortunate for Fake LEMC’s, the majority of the membership is non-LEO, hence these civilians are fearful of the 1%er’s, but oddly enough, take great pleasure in hanging out at establishments where 1% Clubs frequent.

    To clarify an earlier post, I do not in any way feel that the Enforcers are in the same class as the Defenders, the Defenders are a better organization. They don’t meet the qualifications of a LEMC, but they are nowhere at the lower level of the Enforcers, Iron Pigs, Wild Pigs and so on.

    As LEO's we live in a "Fish Bowl" and everything we do, reflects on our Agency, Brothers and Sisters.

  4. #24

    Re: Impossible to Defend

    Be a cop when you’re 10-8, participating in PAL, the Sheriff’s Youth’s Ranch, agency sponsored or community betterment-based activities. Why play/act cop when riding your Harley?

  5. #25

    Re: Impossible to Defend

    DIESEL--- re-read my post on the "Hose Yankers". I'm not bashing women numb nuts, I'm giving you an example of the Defenders that makes the DEFENDERS look silly, just changing the GENDER and profession. A "FIREFIGHTERS" club...but you have to be a woman firefighter......OH and you don't have to be a firefighter..... to be a MEMBER.
    Doesn't this remind you of another club????

    Defenders "LE MC" "Law enforcement" motorcycle club.....only you have to be a male LEO.....OH and you don't have to be an be a MEMBER.

    Get it now?

    and stop wearing the American Flag as a bandana.

  6. #26
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Impossible to Defend

    Got ya. Sorry, I so used to the immature bashing that I sometimes get caught up in the moment. I stand corrected, you see, even Diesel is willing to learn........................

  7. #27

    Re: Impossible to Defend

    If they’re not Cops, why do they have that LE on the back of the vests? And what’s with the “Dawn of The Dead” cop holding a badge and a gun? Is this like a Zombie Club? Are they into Voodoo? I looked that the website, but it really didn’t make sense. Not a lot of updated info, and what info there is, is very hard to read. Can someone tell them to use lettering normal people can understand.

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