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Thread: cop writing cop

  1. #61
    please o great H.P.D historian tell us about these times of the blade and hunchback and shoeshine?

  2. #62
    What about them? I didn't say they were stand up guys. The distinction is that they were all civil service captains when they were promoted.

  3. #63
    They were nothing but a bunch of CLOWNs.

    The only good-thing Bolanos did was run them PHUCKERs out. :shock: :shock: :shock:

  4. #64
    Oh really! Before Bolanos we were the highest paid PD in the state. We had the best cops working there. For the most part and with a few notable exceptions those clowns took good care of their people and morale was high.

    We look at what's happened to HPD with both sadness for what it has become and disgust for the people who made it that way. When we got shafted by the city we all marched on city hall and those clowns were with us. How many of your present day commanders would be with you? For that matter how many of you would have the glands to march?

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Real Olde Tymer
    Oh really! Before Bolanos we were the highest paid PD in the state. We had the best cops working there. For the most part and with a few notable exceptions those clowns took good care of their people and morale was high.

    We look at what's happened to HPD with both sadness for what it has become and disgust for the people who made it that way. When we got shafted by the city we all marched on city hall and those clowns were with us. How many of your present day commanders would be with you? For that matter how many of you would have the glands to march?
    Notice what is being said.

    The only "GOOD THING" that he did.

    He screwed everything else.. :shock: :shock:

    You forget that they are the ones that sold the FOP to RAUL for their own advancement...
    ops: ops:
    Remember now why we switched over to the PBA..??? :roll: :roll:

  6. #66
    It wasn't the captains that sold us out it was the FOP president at the time. I won't put his name out because he's still alive, and frankly he still scares the sh!t out of me, who did it with the help of maybe two of the captains. Remember there were 10 at the time. I was one of the people who really pushed for the PBA. There are other posts bashing them but I know they are better than the alternative. The FOP is too easy to subvert.
    The Blade got his nickname when he was a SGT and LT. By the time he made captain he had mellowed considerably plus the fact he was the equipment guy and never really had a chance to screw people.
    The hunchback was a waste of humanity I have nothing good to say about him. Not familiar with Shoeshine, which one was that?

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