Command Staff Salary Increases
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  1. #1

    Command Staff Salary Increases

    So what is the word on the pay raises for the Chief and his Band of Incompetent Thieves? I'm hearin 6 to 7 % across the board. Must be nice to be so privileged.

  2. #2
    I heard that too. Is there any truth to it? It would be nice to get a mid year pay raise. Being maxed out I get a raise once a year and the last was October of 2006. That means they have had three raises to my one. What's fair is fair...bring it on.

  3. #3

    Incompetent staff

    Most of them are "weak sticks" who have little to no real experience.

    Ase in point #1 - Ass't Chief Luke Williams wasn't a sergeant 9 months before he was administratively boosted by Goliath Davis and friends to a chief's staff position. He was never a watch commander in charge of a shift and his stint as major in charge of 4 detectives was so poor they had to bring in a sergeant to oversee operations!

    #2 Ass't Chief Cedric Gordon is a classic case of the Peter principle. He has always had some flunkie doing his work while he hung out at Piccadilly cafeteria with the coalition. They shipped him to admin bureau so he could be surrounded by secretaries instead of real cops. Ask him a police question and get a blank stare.

  4. #4


    Picasso, you seem to know enough about this place. What is the real DOLLARS AND CENTS going to cost us for the ADMIN raise. Let's call it a 6% raise. I am interested. Please help me out Picasso.

  5. #5
    The pay raise for the Chief was necessary. He ran up quite a tab at Burger King and the bill needs to be paid. A physique like that doesn't come cheap.

  6. #6
    name 1 positive thing the chief has done to improve the agency or public safety. Not something that someone else came up with or worker for and he took credit. ONE thing the chief has done that can be claimed as his.....

  7. #7

    New & improved acts by Harmon

    Sure, here's a unique SPPD flavor brought about by Fatso.

    How 'bout that awesome new uniform he sports? AKA the bus driver's uniform, AKA Captain Kangaroo.

    You don't see that anywhere else!

  8. #8

    1 Chief Benefit...

    I do recall 1 thing the old Chief did that was helpful for a while:
    He drinks Coke not Pepsi.
    The Pepsi was always $1.25 in the vending machine in the cafeteria area and Coke used to be only $1.00!

  9. #9

    heres one

    Din't he get us the blue water in the toilets in the training building?

  10. #10
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Sergeant
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Florida's Suncoast

    Earned Merit Raises

    It seems a bunch o' you all hired hands are gettin' off your horses and getting your knickers in a bind over a small - tiny - microscopical percentage increase in Yo' Bossman's pocket !!

    Come on in to our office and lets talk about it.


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